• Japan Siezes Manchuria

    Japan invaded to gain resourses that they needed to fight the war. Occupied until end of war
  • Italy Siezes Ethiopia (Abyssinia)

    Mussolini wanted to expand Italy's boardes and boost national pride. 200 hundred soilders lost their lives at Abyssinia
  • Hitler invades Rineland

    Hitler went against the league of natiions treaty and invade the Rineland. the League of Nations did not put up a fight.
  • Anschluss of Austria by Germany

    Hitler wanted to united alll German speaking people so he made a Anschluss with Austria. The head of Austria let the people decided if they wanted to be part of Germany or not. and then Hitler ended up taking all of Austria with out much trouble.
  • munich pact

    Settlement reached by Germany, Great Britain, France, and Italy that permitted German annexation of the Sudetenland in western Czechoslovakia
  • Kristallnacht

    Also known as the "Night of Broken Glass", In Germany, Nazi's raided and destroyed Jewish homes, businesses, and any Jewish affiliated buildings. Over 30,000 Jews were arrested and put into concentration camps.
  • Hitler seizes all of Czechoslovakia

    Hitler took over the remainding area of Czechoslovakia and maintained to keep it until Germany surrendered World War II in 1945.
  • Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact (Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact)

    This Pact was signed by the Soviet Union and Germany. It promised that they would not fight with eachother, would not support another country who was fighting them, and it also split countrys up between them.
  • Hitler attacks Poland

    Germany invades Poland a week after the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact was signed. Then the Soviet Union invades Poland too just 16 days after Germany.
  • Canada declares war on Germany

    Canada declared war on Germany, World War II was the only time Canada has ever declared war.
  • Fall of Holland, Belgium & France

    This was the day that Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of Great Britian. Great Britian, Holland, Belgium and France were all allies.
  • Miracle at Durkirk

    This was also known as the "Durkirk Evacuation". Durring the Battle of France the Great Britian, French and Belgian soilders were surrounded by German soilders and seemed like they had no hope, but by some miracle most of them made it out.
  • Battle of Britain

    Germany and Britain had the longest sustained air battle to present day. happened in Britain. Germany attacked after they beat France.
  • Bismarck sunk

    The Bismarck was Germany's most famous ship and it was sunk. on May 27 1941. Was sunk after it sunk a famous British ship
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Hitler sent 3,500 soldiers into Russia where they pretty much froze to death and had their first lose of the war to Russia.
  • Invasion of Hong Kong

    Same day as Pearl Harobor just 8 hours after. Hong Kong had ties with Britain and thats why Japan attacked.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacked the Miltary base pearl harbor. this is what finally got the Untied States to join the war.
  • Battle of Midway

    After a string of losses to the Axis powers US Navy won the battle of mdway against Japan. This made it possible to push Japan back
  • Doolittle Raid

    Air attack on Japan launched from the aircraft carrier Hornet. was one of the more daring attacks taken by the US
  • Allied troops land in Sicily

    France, Poland and Great Britain troops land in Italy and take Sicily from the Axis of Powers.
  • Battle of Ortona

    It was short but the bloodiest battle that the Canadians were in. The city it was in was reduced to nothing when all was said and done. Canada was able to hold off the Germans
  • D-Day

    160,000 Allied troops landed on Normandy Beach in France to fight the Nazi's
  • Canadian soldiers liberate Netherlands

    General Charles Foulkes of Canada and Commander-in-Chief Johannes Blaskowitz of Germany agreed to take out the German troops stationed in Hotel de Wereld in Wegeningen, Netherlands.
  • Germany surenders (V-Day)

    German High Command General Alfred Jodl, signs the unconditional surrender of all German forces. General Alfred Jodl attempted to creat some surrendering conditions but President Dwight Eisenhower demanded complete surrender.
  • USA drops atomic bomb

    US had to resort to the atomic bomb and Truman gave the order. around 80,000 were killed in the bombing.
  • Japan surrenders (V-J Day)

    Japan cuts their loses and surrenders