• Revolutionary Change

    Revolutionary Change
    The invention of nuclear weapons and stronger infantry weapons continued to evolve the war and the countries involved. The invention of tanks and airplanes also revolutionized the way battles were fought.
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  • Blitzkrieg

    this was a german attack for "lightening war"
    this was a battle strategy of using mobile troops and locally centrated powers to disorganize the enemy.
    this was important because this battle strategy was huge and greatly used
  • invasion of manchuria

    Following from Japan's massive build up of their armed-forces, it viewed its neighboring nations as part of a plan for cooperative prosperity. At the time Manchuria was apart of a militarized monarchy but Japan had proceeded to take over and occupy as an act of international militarism.
  • munich conference

    munich conference
    the conference was called to try to make peace with hitler because he was rearming his army wanting all the German speaking people to join. this was important because hitler was a huge force and many couldnt reason with him.
  • battle of atlantic

    largest military campaign in WW2
    allied naval blockade to germany
    big impact on history
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    On September 1st, 1939 Germany invaded Poland. They completed the campaign in about one month resulting in the outbreak of WW2
  • nazi Soviet non aggression pact

    the nazi soviet non aggression pact was a neutrality pact between the soviets and Germany. this was a big deal because they finally got hitler to agree because he was always going back on his word
  • The North African Campaign

    The North African Campaign
    The North African campaign was a slow and costly attempt to reclaim large areas of the Middle East from German control. However there was a large debate for who should own the land as it was previously owned by France.
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    western desert campaign

    a british 5 day raid that destroyed The italian army causing them to get help from hitler.
    this is important because them asking hitler for help made the germans a strong ally and they didnt have many.
  • Genocide

    there were many mass killings in WW2. one of the most memorable is the holocaust were 6 million jews died
  • battle of Moscow

    a military campaign that consisted of 2 strategical fighting on the front lines.
    this was important because the soviets were able to defend their capital
  • Operation Barbarossa

    the germans launched an attack on the Soviets and it went on for a long time and the soviets won.
    The Germans losing was a huge turning point in the war because germany was such a powerful force.
  • pearl harbor

    the Japanese used torpedoes to attack pearl harbor. this was big they attacked without declaring war. there were many casualties
    this was huge because the us was shocked the Japanese attacked out of no where.
  • Battle Of Midway

    the us pulled off a huge blow to the Japanese
    it was considered the most stunning and decisive blow after the us and Japanese started fighting.
    this was big because the us was struggling at first and we finally started winning
  • D day

    D day
    we stood and fought against Nazi Germany
    this was important because the us gained a foothold in Europe