Period: to
Germany invdaded Poland
Using the Blitzkreig tactic Germany had control of Poland in just over a month. Two days after Germany first entered Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany -
Canada declared war on Germany
A week after Britain and France declared war, even though many Canadians didn't want to go to war, Canada declared war on Germany -
Period: to
British troops flee from Dunkirk
France was invaded by the Germans so all the allied troops had to get back to safety in Britain. It was a massive success and saved the allies. -
France surrendered to Germany
Following the invasion of France, they surrendered, meaning Germany had control of most of mainland Europe -
Period: to
Battle of Britain
Crucial battle during the war for the allies. The only way the Germans could control britain was to take them in the air. The battle was fought entirely in the skies and was only won by the allies because of crucial errors made by the Germans. -
Germany invades it's former ally, Russia
Major turning point in the war as it meant that Russia could help defeat the Germans. The Germans now had to fight on two fronts with the Russians on the east and the remaining allies on the west. -
Canadian troops arrive in Hong Kong
Canadians are sent to fight in an impossible battle according to Winsten Churchill -
Japanese attack US Naval fleet in Pearl Harbour
Japan were trying to control the Pacific, with the US the obvious target, this would prove to be a costly error bringing America into the war. -
US enters the war
Following the attack on Pearl Harbour they declare war on Japan and then Germany three days later. The most powerful country had been brought into the war, possibly a major turning point. -
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Battle of Hong Kong
An impossible task for the allies because Hong Kong was near impossible to defend. They still fought on but finally surrendered on Christmas day. -
Canadians vote 3 to 1 in favour for conscription
PM King said he would never have conscription following the crisis from WWI, he went back on his word following a democratic reffurendum and once again Canada were fighting in another world war. -
Dieppe raid ends in disaster for Canadians
Following pressure from Stalin, Churchill ordered a raid on the western front, he knew it would be a failure so he sent 6000 troops. 5000 of those were Canadian, it was a brutal disaster with thousands losing their lives. It taught the allies how not to attack the western front and that it would take a lot more planning. -
Period: to
Allies invade Sicily
First bit of ground gained by the allies from the Axis powers, first sign that there was a shift in the war. -
Allies storm the coast of France in the biggest military effort of History. Britain, Canada and the US each took beaches in Normandy in a brilliiantly planned attack to catch the Germans off guard. The allies finally had control in parts of western Europe again. -
Victory in Europe
After over 5 years of wars the allies finally won, Hitler killed himself and the Nazis surrendered. -
Period: to
US drop atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
America changed warfare forever, cities could now be destroyed with one bomb and no one could be safe beacue it only takes a few atomic bombs at once to destroy the world. -
Victory in Japan
Japan surrenders meaning that the final axis power had been overthrown, the war was oifficialy over.