• Outbreak of the War

    Outbreak of the War
    The causes were the failure of the Treaty of Versailles, the Great Depression, Appeasement (England and France's unsuccessful diplomacy), Extreme Nationalism in multiple countries which was fueling ego
  • Hungary enters the War

    Hungary enters the War
    Hungary signed the Tripartite Pact with the Axis powers.
  • Teleki suecide

    Teleki suecide
    Teleki committed suicide because he was aware of his failure. Hungary had a friendship peace treaty with Yugoslavia but Hitler demanded Hungary to help him occupy Yugoslavia.
  • Hungary in war with Soviet Union

    Hungary in war with Soviet Union
    Bárdossy illegally announced that Hungary was in a state of war with the Soviets, this action would have been the job of parliament.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    This battle was the turning point as the Soviets could stop Hitler. From this point on Soviets started gaining back territories slowly. 90,000 germans were captured. 300,000 Hungarian people were sent to the front.
  • Operation Marguerite

    Operation Marguerite
    Hitler told HOrthy about the invasion of Hungary. Horthy had to appoint a new prime minister, Sztójay. The invasion was thanks to Hungarian protest and unrest, but mainly because Hungary tried to negotiate with Allied powers "secretly".
  • D-Day

    Allied forces landed on French shores, weakening Hitler even more as now he could concentrate his forces, but had to fight on 2 fronts, which he wanted to avoid from the beginning of the war. All counterattacks of Hitler failed.
  • Hitler commits suecide

    Hitler commits suecide
    After his failure Hitler killed himself. Mostly due to the 2 front war and Normandy, uprisings, and for seeing no possible good outcome.
  • Hiroshima

    Truman wanting to avoid bloodshed invasion decided to try the new atomic bomb on Hiroshima killing 90,000 civilians and many more later due to the radiation.
  • End of War

    End of War
    After the United States bombs Japan, Japan agreed to surrender which formally happened on August 14