By Ma son
  • Mussolini Rise to Power

    Mussolini took to power my having a large group of men, "Black Shirts," march on Rome and threaten to take over the government. The King gave in and allowed them to take over a government.
  • Seeing Through the Clouds and Beyond

    The technology of radar is the ability to use radio waves to detect objects at a distance. By allowing people to “see” remotely, at very long distances, radar made the idea of “surprise attack” virtually obsolete and vastly enlarged the arena of modern warfare.
  • Reichstag Speech

    Hitler threatens Jews during Reichstag speech
  • Spanish Civil War End

    Spanish Civil War ends
  • Britain and Poland Assistance Treaty

    Britain and Poland sign a Mutual Assistance Treaty.
  • Period: to

    The Siege of Leningrad

    German troops surrounded Leningrad in Russia which meant no food or anything else outside of Leningrad could get in causing around 800,000 deaths but Leningrad refused to surrender.
  • Period: to

    United States vs. Japan

  • VJ- day

    V-J Day stands for Victory in Japan Day. It marks a very important event in World War 2 - the day Japan surrendered to the Allies.
  • D- day

    D-day marked the turning point in World War II when the Allied forces began to win their fight against the Axis powers.
  • The destroyer of Worlds

    Everyone should be familiar with the atomic bomb. It was used on Japan in 1945 to end the Pacific War.
  • Flag raised on Mount Suribachi

    Flag raised on Mount Suribachi
    Five Marines and a Navy hospital corpsman raise the flag on Mount Suribachi, Iwo Jima.
  • VE- day

    VE- day stands for Victory in Europe day. It marks a very important event in World War 2 - the end of the War with Germany
  • Atomic Bomb

    Atomic bomb nicknamed "Little Boy" dropped on Hiroshima.
  • Atomic Bomb 2.0

    Atomic bomb nicknamed "Fat Man" dropped on Nagasaki
  • Grandpa Birthday

    Grandfather on my mother's side was born.
  • Grandma Birthday

    My grandma on my father's side was born
  • Grandma Birthday