Japan Invations
Japan invated china
They cooperate with Nazi Germany to invade the Soviet Unión -
Germany needed more land to be greater
Creation of New Air Force -
Pact of Steel
Mussolini and Hitler recognize that their political and economical interest were the same
Alliance between Germany and Japan
Poland and Czechoslovakia had some deals with France -
Western Appeasement
Hitler decides to move on Austria and annexed it to his country
In the Conference of Munich they reached an agreement -
Invation to Poland and Albania
Nonaggressive pact with Stanlin
Danzing should be part of Germany again
Germany forces invaded Poland
GB and France declare war to Germany
Italy invaded Albania -
War at Europe
Hitler resumed his aggression against Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium and France
Germany was in control of western and central Europe
Germany air force launched a major offensive against British air and naval bases
Hitler decided to invade the Soviet Union -
Japan Attacks
Japan decided to attack Pearl Harbor
Other units attack Philipines -
Turning Point
Southeast countries were under control of Japan
Hitler declares war to USA
British and American forces invaded French North Africa and they surrender italian and German troops
German troops surrender in Stalingrad
Soviets spread communism at East Europe -
Allies landed 5 assault divisions on the beaches of Normanday -
Allies enter to Germany
Hitler commited suicide
The war at Europe was over -
After war
Truman dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and then in Nagasaki
Japan got surrender