• Signing of the Treaty of Versailles

    Signing of the Treaty of Versailles
  • 1933

    The German people didn’t feel fairly treated. In 1933, they voted for Adolf Hitler to become their leader. He led the National Socialists or Nazis. He promised that he would restore Germany. He built their army back up and began taking land back from other countries.
  • Holocaust

    Nazi'sut1933- The Nazis set up the first concentration camp at Dachau. The first inmates:200 Communists.
    1934- Jewish newspapers can no longer be sold in the streets
    1935- Jews are deprived of their citizenship and basic rights
    1939- World War II begins. Hitler orders that Jews must follow curfews; Jews must turn in radios & wear yellow stars of David
    1940- first mass murder of Jews in Poland
    1941- Jews may not leave their houses
    1942-Nazi's plan to kill all European Jews
  • Period: to


  • 1937

    On September 1st, 1939, German forces invaded Poland. Tanks poured into the country helped by bombers overhead. A total of 1.25 million Germans soldiers filed into Poland.
  • 1939

    When Hitler refused to stop, Britain and France declared war on Germany. It would begin six years of fighting.
  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    The Battle of Britain is a famous battle where Germany tried to destroy England’s Air Force. The Germans made bomber attacks on British ships in the English Channel. They then sent bombers to attack British airfields, harbors where their fleets were kept, and factories where their planes were built. More than 500 pilots were killed and nearly 800 planes destroyed. After several months of attacks, the battle ended with Britain striking back and causing severe damage to the Germans.