WWII 1939-1945 - Jason Huckins

  • Russua and Germany Pact signed

    Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia sign a mutual non-aggression pact.
  • Vladeck Spiegelman

    Vladeck Spiegelman is called to serve in the Polish Army
  • Poland Attacked

    German troops and aircraft attack Poland.
  • British Ship Sunk

    The British ship Athenia is sunk by German U-boats off the coast of Ireland,
  • Vladeck Spiegelman POW

    Vladeck Spiegelman becomes a prisoner of war
  • 1,000's of Ukranians killes

    German troops invaded the Ukraine and kill between 50,000 and 96,000 Ukranians with machine guns.
  • Neutrality Act Signed

    President Roosevelt declared American neutrality in the war in Europe, a Neutrality Act is signed that allows the US to send arms and other aid to Britain and France.
  • Vladeck Spiegelman released

    Vladeck Spiegelman is released from being a POW
  • Italy's Alliance with Germany

    Mussolini and Hitler announce Italy's alliance with Germany against England and France.
  • Neutrality to Non-beligerency

    Italy declares war on Britain and France, and U.S. President Roosevelt announces a shift from neutrality to "non-belligerency," giving more active support for the Allies against the Axis.
  • Verdun falls to Germans

    German troops enter Paris and the French fortress at Verdun falls to the Germans.
  • Attack on Brittain

    German air attacks over Britain and the British Royal Air Force bomb German targets at night.
  • German troops invaded

    Greece and Yugoslavia are invaded by German troops.
  • Food delivered to Britain

    Britain receives its first American "Lend-Lease" aid shipments of food. By December, millions of tons of food will have arrived from the U.S.
  • British arrive in Iraq

    British troops arrive in Iraq and will prevent Axis from taking over their government.
  • Broken Pact

    German troops invade Soviet Russia, and broke the "nonaggression" pact signed in 1939. Two days later, President Roosevelt promises US aid to Russia.
  • Eliezer Wiesel

    Eliezer Wiesel meets Moiske and Beadle
  • U.S. destroyer torpedoed

    The Kearny, a U.S. destroyer, is torpedoed off the coast of Iceland by a German U-boat.
  • Pearl Harbor Attacked

    Around 8 a.m., Honolulu time, 360 Japanese planes attack Pearl Harbor, the U.S. military base on the Hawiian island of Oahu. The attack crippled the U.S. Pacific fleet, and killed more than 2,300 American soldiers, sailors, and civilians.
  • US declares war

    Germany and Italy declare war on the U.S. President Roosevelt calls an end to official U.S. neutrality in the war in Europe, declaring war on Germany and Italy.
  • Eliezer Wiesel sent to Birkenau

    Eliezer Wiesel and his family are taken from the ghetto and moved to Birkenau.
  • Vladeck Spiegelman Auschwitz

    Vladeck Spiegelman is sent to Auschwitz
  • Eliezer Wiesel moved to Auschwitz

    Eliezer Wiesel and his father arrive at Auschwitz
  • Eliezer Wiesel moved

    Eliezer Wiesel and his father are moved to Buma
  • Battle of the Bulge

    The Battle of the Bulge begins. This was the last major German counteroffensive. The allied troops are pushed back in Belgium's Ardennes Forest. As Allied lines fall back, a "bulge" is created in the center of the line, giving the battle its familiar name.
  • Vladeck Spiegelman Dachau

    Vladeck Spiegelman is sent to Dachau
  • Iow Jima ends

    Iwo Jima, a month-long struggle comes to an end, as U.S. forces capture the 8-square-mile island which was Japan's last line of radar defense to warn against American air attacks, Iwo Jima is significant to the invasion of Okinawa.
  • Eliezer Wiesel is liberated

    Eliezer Wiesel is liberated from his concentration camp
  • 1st Atomic bombed dropped

    The U.S B-29 Enola Gay, dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The city is leveled, and an estimated 100,000 people are killed.
  • 2nd Atomic bomb dropped

    The U.S. drops a second bomb on the Japanese city of Nagasaki.