Britain begins reamerment and reasures Poland
The British government was well aware of the iminant and necerssary war with Germany and starts up conscription and rearmerment as a result this made polish citizens better knowing that the Brits would aid them if they were invaded by Germany -
Hitler invades Poland
The time between Hitler invading Poland the both France and Britain declaring war was the time Hitler had to pull out of Poland or be at a state of war with Britain and France -
Period: to
Great Britain and France declare war on Nazi Germany
After a seris of undermining invasions of other european nations France and Britain decided enough was enough -
Hitler invasions of Norway and Denmark begin
Hitler did this to safe gurad trade routes coming and going from sweeden -
Hitlers invasion of Norway and Denmark come to a successful end
The Blitzkrieg launch
The Blitzkrieg was a mass seris of bombings caried out by the Germans on Holland and Belgium, cites like Rotterdam were blown to non-existance -
Operation Dynamo goes ahead in Dunkirk
Due to a miss comunication about the numbers and fortification on the coast of Dunkirk the alied forces that landed their were pinned down under merciless fire waiting to be rescued -
Italy sides with the Axis and enters the war
France signs Armistice with Germany
As a result of the German occupaion of Germany the French had no choice but to sign the armistice and cease their "official" fighting effort -
The Battle of Britain Begins
The BoB started when Hitler began bombing British ports with the Luftwaffe, this later continued in August of the same year when the bombers began attacking RAF airfields more heavily then the intial bombings of the ports. From september to the end of the BoB the Blitz was underway the intention seemed to be to lower the moral of the British people, This later changed into the night bombing because day bombings were not effective enough. -
Tripartite Pact is signed
The Tripartite pact was a document that meant their was a mutural alience between Germany, Japan and Italy -
The Battle of Britain ceases
As the bombings gave the RAF motive and ways to practice they eventualy inflicted to heavy losses on the Luftwaffe for it to be an effective way of waging war for the Germans -
British forces successfuly route Italian forces in N. Africa
Yugoslavia is attacked by Germany and Italy
Operation Barbarossa (German invasion of Russia)
Because of the suposed Non-aggresion pact signed with Germany Russia was caught off guard and by surprise so at first they had no way to deter the 3 million soliders and 3,500 tanks Hitler used to invade Russia. Immidiatly after the invasion Stalin signed a mutual assitance treaty with the alies -
Japanese Bombing raids in Darwin Begin
Pearl Harbour
In an atempt to desroy the American naval presence in the pacific so that they could not intervene in the Asia-pacific war the Japanese guranteed the American involvment in the War -
Brtain and The United States declare war on Japan
Japanese take Singapore
After weeks of fighting the Japanese managed to take the military base that guarded Singapore and took close to 60,000 prisoners -
Battle of the Coral Sea
The battle of the Coral sea was the main naval incursion to invade New guinea and bring japan closer to Australia. The Americans luckily learned of the presence and launched a joined effort with Australia to destory them, the battle lasted 4 days ending in a victory for the Allies -
Japanese establish militaty bases in Mainland new Guinea
The war reaches Australia
The lax feeling of security and seclusion the Australian people had about the war was destroyed when a seris of attacks and bomgings occured in sydney harbour this was carried out by 5 fleet submarines, 3 midget submarines and 2 seaplanes that eventualy were either destroyed or retreated -
Battle of Midway
The battle of midway was intended to be a surprise attack on the American Naval ships in the area but because the u.s had managed to break the code they aniticipated the attack and sent more ships and Aircraft cariers in to defeat the Japanese and did just that -
Alies move to destroy Itaian and German Forces in N.Africa
This was the begining of the vast amount of tank battles in the desert however it would not be an easy task as the Germans had superiour tanks like the Panzer and Tiger as well as a skilled comander Field Marshall Rommell -
Manhatten Project begins
The fear and suspicion of the Germans making their own nuclear weapons was present in the minds of the western leaders but Franklin D. Roosevelt only begun the Manhatten Project when he recieved two letters one from Albert Einstien and one from Leo Sizlard saying that it was imperitive that they beat the Germans to this technology. The Project was disbanded in september of 1947 -
Battle of Alamein
General Montgomery attacked the German-Italian ground troopers with a massive bombardment which was followed by an attack with the the armour (tank) units which lead to 1500 mile chase across the desert -
Battle of Stalingrad
The Russians had recouperated and rearmed enough to push back against the Germans and decicivly began to push them out of the Motherland with the retaking of Stalingrad -
Allies push into N.W. Africa
Under the comand of Dwight D. Eisenhower the forces under his control succesfully took control of French Moroco and Algeria they were bering down on the Germans now -
Axis Surrender in N.Africa
The Alied forces had claimed victory over the Axis in N. Africa -
Allies invade Sicily
Allies take control of Sicily
After a long and tedious month of fighting the Allies were victorious -
Italy surrenders to the Allies
Mussolini the original leader of Italy had been thrown out and the new goverment had surrendered and agreed to join the Allies bu they could not advance much further on that front as Hitler had freed Mussolinin and set him up as the leader of the puppet government in the north of Italy -
Japnese bombing raids in Darwin end
By the end of the bombing over half of Darwin's population had been killed, and had they continued it would be highly likley that Australia would have been invaded -
Allies meet in Tehran for talks on the War
Stalin,Churchill and Roosevelt all met to co-ordinate the plans to tighten their grip on Germany and to come at them hard on all fronts. The post war settlements were a bit strenuous for them all as Churchill was distrustful of Stalin but Roosevelt wanted to make sure that they new that the west would not stand against them in the end Churchill was esentialy forced to agree with Stalins terms. -
Leningrad relieved
The ongoing siege of Leningrad was lifted and pushed back by the Red Army as apart of operation iskra -
Rome liberated
Because of the puppet governments interfearence in the Allies effort to push further through Italy the Allies took more time then they had intended to liberate the German controlled cites -
The Allies launched a huge attack on Germany's forces stationed in Normandy and were victorious mainly because the units had exposses them selves while travling to Calais, which is where thy thought the Allies were landing -
Japanese removed from Burma
BritishGeneral Slim with the aid of the Guerrilla tactics of the Chindits lead by Orde Wingate were able to push or imprison the rest of the German forces in Burma -
Liberation of Paris
The French capital of paris was finaly liberated from the Germans and returned to its people -
The First V2 bombing
Under the Design specifications of Wernher Von Braun the Germans had succesfully constructed their first rocket propelled explosive weapons which was launched on London in September of 1944. Von Braun later went on to aid the Americans in constucting Balistic Misilles and the engines that took the U.S into space -
Battle of the Bulge
The Battle of the Bulge was Germany's final defensive through the Ardennes region of Belgium but were defeated by the Allies and proceded to atempt to flee to places like Switzerland -
The Allies cross the Rhine
The Rhine or Rhineland was orignaly a demilitatised zone before the war which was in place to stop people namely Germany from invading other countries like Belgium and France -
Russians reach Berlin
The Red army slaughtered its way to Berlin and made it their before the Americans could -
Mussolini's execution
Mussolini was captured by the Italians whom had joined the Allies and was executed -
Hitler's suicide
Adold Hitler the head of the Nazi party and Chancellor of Germany shot himself in the head so he would not be found by the Russians but not before he married his mistress and shot her too -
Hitler's succesor offers uncondtional surrender to the Allies
Adimiral Karl Dontiz,Hitler's succesor offered an urgent and desparate plee for unconditional surrender -
German forces surrender in Italy
German forces in Eastern and western Europe surrender
V.E. Day
The Victory in Europe was celebrated with much joy -
First ever test of the Atomic bomb
Under the codename "Trinity" the first bomb was tested in new Mexico -
Hiroshima is bombed with A-bomb
After the Japanese refused to surrender the Americans used their new found power in an atempt to end the fighting and not lose any more Allied soliders. By the end of 1950 the little boy had claimed 200,000 lives this was more than Nagasaki because Nagasaki hit a less densly populated area. -
Russia declares war on Japan
Nagasaki is bombed with A-bomb
Even after the Devastation of Hiroshima the Japanese refused to unconditionaly surrender the Americans decided to Drop a second more powerful Atomic bomb on Nagasaki in an atempt to get them to surrender but this also could have been to stop the Russians from taking over. The bomb had claimed 75,000 lives by 1950 -
The Japanese surredner
The Japanese unconditionally surrendered to the allies ending the second world war officialy -
MacArthur accepts Japan's surrender
US General, Douglas MacArthur, accepted Japan's surrender formally ending the second world war.