• First Neutrality Act is Passed

    First Neutrality Act is Passed
    This banned the sale of weapons to nations involved in war. In addition, it restricted cash-only trade. This was all in attempt to keep the United States out of war.
  • Signing of the Rome-Berlin Axis

    Signing of the Rome-Berlin Axis
    This was signed between Italy and Germany, and it allianced the Italy and Germany.
  • SIgning of the Anti-Comintern Pact

    SIgning of the Anti-Comintern Pact
    The signing of this pact in 1936 was between Germany and Japan. This pact was signed against the communist Soviet Union. Neither Japan nor Germany supported communism.
  • Hitler declares Austria part of the Third Reich

    Hitler declares Austria part of the Third Reich
    Hitler calls an "Anschluss." This annexes Austria into Germany.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    This was held between the Germans, French, British, and Italians. At this conference, Germany was granted permission to re-gain Sudentenland from Czechoslovakia.
  • German troops invade Czechoslovakia

    German troops invade Czechoslovakia
    Czechoslovakia had basically already been given to Germany through the Munich Pact. Sudentenland was a part of Czechoslovakia, and Hitler wanted to regain that area of many German people.
  • Mussolini invades Albania

    Mussolini invades Albania
    Mussolini invaded Albania after he was inspired by HItler when he invaded Prague. Albania was a part of Italy's economy, and Mussolini wanted this area of the Balkans.
  • German Soviet Non-Agression Pact Signed

    German Soviet Non-Agression Pact Signed
    This made both Germany and the Soviet Union agree to not attack each other with their military for 10 years. This had advantages for both sides. The Soviet Union believed they would have time to build up their army, and Germany didn't have any major opposition for when they would invade Poland.
  • Germany attacks Poland.

    Germany attacks Poland.
    Hitler invaded Poland beginning WWII. Hitler did this through his warfare technique, "Blitzkrieg."
  • Soviet Union attacks Finland

    Soviet Union attacks Finland
    The Soviet Union and the "Red Army" bomb Helsinki and kill 50+ Finland peopole. This showed how powerful the Soviet Union army was because it was a "cakewalk."
  • Germans invade Denmark and Norway

    Germans invade Denmark and Norway
    Germany sent many troops to ports in Norway and Denmark before they fought on land and gained control of Copenhagen and Oslo.
  • Winston Churchill is named Prime Minister of U.K.

    Winston Churchill is named Prime Minister of U.K.
    Winston Churchill replaces Neville Chamberlain as the British prime minister. Chamberlain had resigned after promising peace to the British in WWII, but he failed after the Germans attacked.
  • Germans invade Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg

    Germans invade Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg
    The German air force bombed the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. German military troops invaded the mainland seizing territory and forts.
  • Dunkerque is Evaquated

    Dunkerque is Evaquated
    This was the evaquation of British and other Allie troops from a French seaport. In the end, over 350,000 French, Belgium, and British soldiers were saved. This was caused by a German invasion of France.
  • Mussolini Declares war on France and Great Britain

    Mussolini Declares war on France and Great Britain
    Mussolini decided to declare war on Britain and France because the British and French had been teasing him on taking over territory in Africa and taking raw materials that the Italians needed.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    German and British air forces fought over London. Many young British children were forced underground. At first, it seemed as though the Germans would pull out a victory, but the British remained tough and pulled out a significant victory.
  • Japan forms an Alliance with Germany and Italy

    Japan forms an Alliance with Germany and Italy
    Hirohito of Japan, Mussolini of Italy, and Hitler of Germany form an alliance with each other known as the Axis Powers.
  • German attacks Soviet Union

    German attacks Soviet Union
    Over three million German soldiers went through the Balkan territories and invaded the Soviet Union. The Germans lost tons of soldiers in a turning point of WWII. This broke the peace that the Soviets and Germans had agreed upon just a few years earlier.
  • Roosevelt and Churchill sign Atlantic Charter

    Roosevelt and Churchill sign Atlantic Charter
    The U.S and Great Britain sign this after talking about the postwar world. By 1942, a total of 26 Allied leaders had signed the Atlantic Charter. This led to the development of the United Nations.
  • Pearl Harbor Attack

    Pearl Harbor Attack
    This attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii made the U.S declare war. Many Americans died in this surprise attack.
  • US Congress declares war on Japan

    US Congress declares war on Japan
    This came in response to the Pearl Harbor attacks the day before. Franklin Roosevelt pushed for this.
  • Wannsee Conference

    Wannsee Conference
    German/Nazi officials met in Berlin, Germany to come up with a "final solution." Here they decided to gather all Jewish people and put them into labor camps.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    "Prisoners of war", including over 100,000 Americans, were forced to march 66 miles in the Phillipines by the Japanese. This march started in the Batann Peninsula.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    This battle was to control islands between Hawaii and Asia/Japan. This was important for planes that could only go a certain length.
  • Erwin Rommel takes control of Libya

    Erwin Rommel takes control of Libya
    Erwin Rommel defeated the British Allies giving him control of Libya. This occured at a major-African port in Tobruk, Libya.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The Soviet Union was able to keep Stalingrad in the U.S.S.R up The city was saved. Soviets were able to defeat the Germans before they could take over this city. Over two million military soldiers died in this battle between the Germans and Soviets.
  • D-Day

    The Battle of Normandy allowed for the Allies to liberate Western Europe from the Nazis. The day this began, D-Day, occured when over 150,000 British and American troops came up on a beach in Normandy, France.
  • MacArthur lands in Phillipines

    MacArthur lands in Phillipines
    MacArthur returns to Leyte, Phillipines after he was force to flee there two years before. He was a military adviser in the Phillipnes in WWII.
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    This is known as "Victory in Europe Day." The British and Americans celebrate the Nazi defeat .
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    Harry S. Truman, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin met in Berlin, Germany to talk about possibly creating a Council of Foreign Ministers and imposing Allie control in Germany. They also wanted to make Japan officially "surrender."
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
    On this day, WWII ended after the Japanese surrendered.