The Austrian Anschluss
Hitler calls for unification of all German speaking people. Hitler threatens to invade Austria if they don't listen -
The munich Conference
Britain & France agree to give Hitler the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia in exchange for peace. Hitler then goes back on his word about keeping the peace. -
Hitler Demands Danzig
Hitler demands that Danzig be returned to Germany from Poland. Poland says no & if war breaks out between them Britain & FRance will back up Poland. -
The Nazi-Soviet Pact
Germany proposes a nonagression treaty between them & the USSR, Stalin agrees. -
The invasion of Poland
German invades Poland. It is also known as the Semptember Campaign. -
The Evacuation of Dunkirk
Also known as the Miracle of Dunkirk. Around 338,000 British and French troops were saved. The evacuation ended on Juner 4th, 1940. -
The Fall of France
After France and Great Britain decalre war on Germany in September 3, 1939. By 1940, France surrenders. -
Battle of Britain
It was an air battle fought throughout the fall. It ended on October 31, 1940.