German Blitzkrieg
Blitzkrieg meaning lightning war was a tatic used by the Germans to invade several countries including Poland and Norway. Germany used this tactic troughout WWII to quickly and effectivley defeat its enemies using a small infantry and tanks moving quickly together. the idea was to move quickly and surprise the enemy. -
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor was a suprise attack on a major naval base used by the U.S. The Japaneese attacked the harbor seeking to destroy the major ships and millitary targets. The japanesee used Kamakazi tactics to maximize the damage. This attack from Japan was an attempt prevent the U.S from interffering with Japaneese affairs over seas. The U.S -
Wannsee Conference
The Wannsee Conference was a Nazi Meeting describing thier plans for the Jewish people. This included Hitlers plan for the extermination of the Jews in Europe. He designed camps for the Jewish people some for work and majority of them death camps. After this meeting discrimination against Jews was legal this was the first part to Hitler's Systematic plan. -
Bataan Death March
The Batan death March was a march consisting of American and Fillipino POWs Over 700 American troops died of various illnesses during the march and close to 7,000 Fillapino troops died during the march. Anyone whom survived the March from Bataan was shipped of to camp O'Donnell. During a 75 mi march prisoners were abused and tortured sometime till death. This date is a time to honor and mourn for the Soldeirs whom died at the Bataan Death March. -
Battle of Midway
The Battle of Midway was a major naval battle between Japan and the U.S. Japan hoped to move is area of defense toward the East pacific. The Japanese hoped another defeat would force the U.S. to capitulate in the Pacific War and thus ensure Japanese dominance over the Pacific. However, due to America massive industrial and training capabilities made thier losses far easier to replace. This was a major turning point in the war for America. -
The Battle of Stalingrad
In this battle Nazi Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad. This was a close quaters combat zone in which troops moved house to house to search. this made this battle very lengthly and had high casualty rates. five months later after heavy bombing from air support and thousands of deaths the battle was over. The Germany 6th army was destroyed and the Soviet union claimed a victory. -
Warsaw Ghetto uprising
This particular Ghetto was located in Polnad were Jewish people imprisoned in this Ghetto band together to break free from German control. The Jewish population in the Ghetto was only temporary they were due to ship out to Trebilanka a German death camp. The uprising started when the banded together and refused to back down and the prisioners started fire to burn the entire area to the ground. This resulted in 13,000 Jewish people to die. This was the biggest Jewish revolt in WWII. -
D-Day or Operation overlord was the invasion of 5 differnt beaches. Utah, Omaha, Sword, Gold, and Juno. Allied troops landed in under heavy machine gun fire and artillery shelling. With the enemy having the high ground the allied forces took significant casualties mainly effecting the U.S at Utah and Omaha. Over 10,000 KIA's reported. -
The Battle of the Buldge
The battle of the Buldge was a final effort from Germany to break free from allied troops. Germany concentrated its forces to attack a weaker ortion of the allied defense. Almost succesful the german troops were far out numbered and its resources were depleted. This suprise attack was made in hopes of eliminating nearby allied troops and negotiating a truce pardoning Germany from war repercustions. this ended in an Allied victory and the eventual surrender of Germany. -
Liberation of concentration camps
This date marks the day German concentration camps were Liberated including Auschwitz. THis was one of the worst camps in Germany. Millions died in these camps killed by Gas chambers, oven, firering squads, starvation, sicknesses. The Germans tried to hide their tracks by eliminating the evidence, but do to thier fast retreat they were unable to do so. Thousands of people died in these camps and this date is set aside to mourn, and remember the dead. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
After Pearl Habor japanesee troops began occuping numerous amounts of Islands along the pacific. Japanesee troops heavily fortified the island with an complex tunnel system. this system was designed to surround U.S troops after they had gained ground ahead of them trapping them for imment death. Both sides were also fighting Malaria/yellow fever killing a huge amount of soldiers. after 6 weeks U.S troops were able to conquer Iwo Jima in what was the bloodiest Marine corp. battle in U.S history. -
This Now a national holiday was the celebration of the victory in WWII. The Allied Forces defeated Germany on may 8 1945.
Germany surrendered on may 7th in Riems france. This marked the end of the War. -
Atomic Bombs
On August 6th 1945 the U.s dropped "Littleboy" an atomic bomb created by the goverment to bomb Japan in relliation of Pearl harbor. This building of the atomic bomb was known as the Manhattan Project. After Japan refused the U.S's unconditional surrender the U.S bombed Hiroshima three days later the U.S dropped the Atomic bomb carried by the Enoya Gay. three days later the U.S drooped another Bomb called "Fatman" on Nagasaki. After the bombings over 200 thousand japaneese people were killed. -
This marked the end of WWII with Japan. This has become a holiday celebrated annualy. The surrend papers were signed in Tokyo, Japan aboard the USS Missouri. This Was the Finnaly of the war.