Attack of Manchuria
After getting a new militaristic government, Japan started taking over other countries. They took over a piece of China called Manchuria for its natural resources to help Japan industrialize. -
Nuremburg Laws
The Germans made a new set of laws that didnt allow Jews to be citizens, to have jobs or own land. The Natzis later got prosecuted for this act of being inhumane -
The Natzis storm Jewish buisnesses and homes. They killed over 100 Jews and this became known as the "Night of Broken Glass". -
Invasion of Poland
The German army led by Hitler invaded Poland. They easily took control by using the Blitzkrieg strategy of sending in planes, tanks, then infantry -
Solviet Union invades East Poland
The USSR occupied East Poland. Stalin used this to take over other countries in the area such as Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. -
Alliance with Italy and Germany
When Germany was attacking France, Italy saw its chance to gain an easy victory. Itay then allied with Germany to finally bring down France. -
France Surrenders
France surrendered to Germany after the Maginot Line failed to keep the Germans out. Germany then occupied parts of France -
Atlantic Charter
This act granted free trade among the nations. It also gave the people the right to choose their own government and was used as a peace plan after the war. -
Lend Lease Act
The Lend Lease Act was passes in the United States. This act stated that the US could only lend or lease weapons to any contry that the US needed such as Britain -
The Battle of Britain ends
Britain knew that Germany was going to attack them and refused to surrender. Hitler backed off because of the British resistance. -
German Unvasion of the Solviet Union
Germany invaded the USSR by using the blitzkrieg strategy surprising the Red Army. The Red Army retreated into Russia using the scorched earth tactic, resulting the the German retreat -
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Japan bombed the United States fleet in Pearl Harbor to eliminate threats to their plans of conquering Asia. This caused the US to declare war with Japan the next day. -
Japanese Internment
After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the American government didn't trust the Japanese. The President sent all the Japanese in America to camps because he thought they were traitors. -
Battle of Midway
It was the turning point in the war between the Japanese and Americans. This battle avenged Pearl Harbor for the US. -
Allied invasion of Italy
Britain and the US decided to team up and attack Italy. They brought 180,000 troops and captured the Italian and German soldiers by August. -
Many troops were sent from Britain, The US, Canada, and France to free France from the Germans. The Germans retreated and the Allies also freed Belgium, Luxembourg, and some of the Netherlands. -
German Surrender
Germany officially surrendered from the war. The leader of the time, Hitler killed himself when his country started to crumble. -
Bombing of Hiroshima
The United States dropped an atomic bomb of the Japanese island Hiroshima that killed 73,000 people. The Japanese were warned that if they didnt surrender that the boomb was going to be dropped and the US kept their word. -
Bombing of Nagasaki
3 days after the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima another one was dropped. It killed 37,000 people and led to the Japanese's ultimate surrender. -
Japanese Surrender
The Japanese surrendered to the US after they bombed their country. This surrender was the end of WWII.