By Zwebzz
  • Neutrality Act

    Neutrality Act
    The US pass a series of acts to keep them out of future wars
  • Roosevelt Aids China from Japan

    Roosevelt Aids China from Japan
    Roosevelt finds a loophole in the Neutrality Act by supplying weapons to china because they never declared war against Japan
  • Germany-Austria unite

    Germany-Austria unite
    Austria allows germany to enter their country unopposed
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    Neville Chamberlain signed a treaty with Adoff Hitler. Hitler saying it was his last territorial demand
  • Atomic Bomb

    German and American scientists found a way to make the atomic bomb
  • Czechoslovakia invaded

    German troops invaded the remaining part of Czechoslovakia
  • Nonaggression pact

    Nonaggression pact
    The USSR and Germany become neutral between each other and to split up poland
  • Secret Attack

    Secret Attack
    Germany bombs Polands ir bases and camps and invades the USSR
  • Declaring War

    Britin and France declares war on Germany
  • WWII

    After the attacks Poland cesed to exist and the beginning of WWII started
  • US Draft

    US Draft
    the US began a draft to build its defenses, 1 million were drafted
  • Suprise attack 2

    Hitler s launches a suprise attack on Denmark and Norway
  • Fleet

    Germany began to organize a Invasion fleet in attack Britian
  • Fall of France

    Fall of France
    France surrendered to germany resulting in the fall of France
  • Night of Broken Glass

    German forces invade jewish towns
  • Minorities

    Major Contributions by Native americans, Mexicans , and African Americans join the war aid
  • Lend-Lease Act

    Britian had run out of money so US lended Used Supplies to Britian
  • African Americans

    African Americans
    African Americans are finally allowed to join air force
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    japan Bombs pearl Harbor killing 2,400 soldiers and destroying 21 ships
  • War Plans

    Prime Minister Churchill meets with Roosevelt about war plans
  • Final Stage

    Nazi's begin to use their final stage of mass murder, Poison gas
  • Stalingrad

    German forces began to start their attack on the USSR
  • Africa

    107,000 US troops landed in North Africa
  • Stalingrad 2

    Stalingrad 2
    German Forces surrendered to the USSR after failing to take Stalingrad
  • Concentration Camps

    Concentration Camps
    USSR found one of the first camps in germany
  • France

    France is freed by US Forces
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    The US captured the first german town, aachen
  • Philippines

    about 178,000 allied troops defend the philippines
  • Battle of the Buldge 2

    german forces lost unreplacable supplies and forced to retreat
  • Death

    Franklin Roosevelt had a stroke and died, Truman became the President
  • Bomb

    US bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki