Rise of Mussolini
Benito Mussilini came into favor becasue he was a powerful speaker and said he would stop the corruption and terminate the chaos, by inserting power and order. He saw Italy in a weak place, so he seized them. -
Japanese Agression in Asia
Japan wanted an equal empire to the western powers. Japan had to overtake some nations to do so. Japan seized Manchuria in 1931. They left the League of fNations when they stopped the aggression from happening. In the end Japan tool over most of eastern China and easily strengthened their military. -
Rise of Hitler
Hitler, as well as Mussolini, caught Germany at a low point and struck. He promised to stop paying the reparations, add jobs, and go against the Versailles treaty, by regaining his army. He quickly rose into favor. -
Annexation of Austria
Hitler spread Nazi propaganda to Austria, where he took over power. He wanted Austria and Germany to become one, so he forced Austria's chancellor to make the Nazis a part of the main cabinent post. This joining of the 2 nations was called Anshluss, and it violated the Versailles treaty. Anshluss caused a quick war scare, but Hilter quickly avoided the war scare, and got exactly what he wanted, Anshluss. -
Munich Conference
The leaders of Britian and France chose an appeasement and went along with Hitler and his demands. The British and French coaxed the Czechs to give up the Sudetenland without a fight . In exchange, Hitler promised Britian and France that he had no plans for the future of expanding his territory. -
Nazi-Soviet Pact
Hitler made a pact with his enemy, Joseph Stalin. This pact helped Hitler and Stalin have a peaceful relationship. Thry promised not to fight id the other went to war. Also divide Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe. That hepled Stalin achieve the Soviet defenced and helped him have a chance at gaining land. -
Battle of the Atlantic
German U-boats, warships, and Italian submarines were used against the Allied convoys. The Allied convoys were carrying military equipment across the Atlantic Ocean. The materials were on their way to Great Britain and the Soviet Union. The battle controlled Atlantic shipping ways and involved thousands of ships that stretched thousands of miles. -
Phony War
The British and the French sent troops to the Maginot Line. The French troops were hiding behind the Maginot Line, where British troops were sent to wait with them. Then, in April, the quiet time ended and official war broke out. Hitler had a blitzkrieg against Norway and Denmark. Next, he also defeated Netherlands and Belgium. -
Miracle at Dunkirk
German forces were invading France so Britain was trapped between Nazis and the English Chanel. The British sent any available naval vessels, and fishing, pleasure, and merchant ships across the Chanel to help the stranded troops off of the beach of Dunkirk and Ostend. The boats saved greater than 300,000 troops and brought them safely back to Britain. -
Fall of France
Italy declared war on France and attacked from the south. France was overwhelmed by the attack and quickly surrendered. Hitler made France sign a surrender document. After France surrendered, Germany took over northern France. -
Battle of Britian
Britain stood alone in Western Europe. Hitler thought Britain would sue them for peace. German bombers bombed the southern coast of London, and German planes also bombed London. Hitler was wishing for the British morale to be destroyed, but it wasn’t. -
Nazi Genocide
Hitler set up a program to demolish the “racially inferior.” The “racially inferior” included mostly Jews, and also Slavs, Gypsies, and the mentally ill. First, Nazi’s made the “racially inferior” live in ghetto s and concentration camps. Eventually, the Germans came up with a plan to end all of the “racially inferior”. The plan was to murder all of them. Hitler created the Death Camps Auschwitz, Sobibor, and Trablinka to accomplish this goal. -
Operstion Barbarossa
Hitler set up a new and different blitzkrieg against the Soviet Union. About 3,000,000 Germans invaded the Soviet Union, and Stalin wasn’t prepared. About 2 ½ million Russian soldiers were killed. Although during the “General Winter”, thousands of German soldiers froze to death. -
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Japan’s leader, General Tojo, ordered a surprise attack on America at Pearl Harbor. The Japanese planes damaged or destroyed 19 ships, crashed the American planes to the ground, and killed 2,400 plus people. President Roosevelt wanted to declare war on Japan, but on December 11, 1941, Germany and Italy, Japan’s allies, declared war on the United States. -
Battle of El Alamein
In Egypt, the British put focus on the Desert Fox instead of the Rommel’s advancing toward them because they stopped the Rommel’s from advancing any further. The Desert Fox drove the Axis powers back to Tunisia. Later, Dwight Eisenhower joined with British forces and advanced into Tunisia, to trap Rommel’s army. Rommel’s army surrendered in May 1943. -
Battle of Midway
The Battle of Midway was fought near the Central Pacific island of Midway. Before this battle the Japanese were offense and they were capturing territory in Asia and the Pacific. By their attack, the Japanese had planned to capture Midway to use to trap and demolish the U.S. Pacific Fleet. But Japanese plans backfired because the U.S. Pacific Fleet surprised the Japanese forces and sunk 4 Japanese carriers, that attacked Pearl Harbor. After the Battle of Midway, the Americans and their Allies t -
Battle of Stalingrad
Hitler really wanted to capture Stalin’s city, but Stalin wanted very badly to defend it. The Germans surrounded the city, and then the Russians circled the attackers. The Germans finally surrendered after about 300,000 soldiers were killed, hurt, or captured. -
Invasion of Italy
British and American forces went to Sicily but moved to Southern Italy. In as short a time as a month, the Americans and British forces defeated Italy. The Italians overthrew Benito Mussolini and II Duce, and the new Italian government signed an armistice, but the fighting did not end. Hitler sent German troops to get Mussolini and convince the northern Italians to not want to fight. The Italian invasion weakened Hitler because it made him fight another front. -
Now that Eisenhower was lead allied commander they ha to plan their invasion. The allied bombers flew over Germany and bombed factories, aircrafts, and some German cities. The allied troops finally broke through the Germans defended and started easing towards Paris. The Germans were pressured from every side and eventually they retreated. -
Nazi Defeated
The allied forces were approaching Germany, so Germany launching a huge counterattack. The battle of bulge lasted more than 1 month, and the Allie and Germany both had major losses. Although the Germans couldn't quiet break through and win but the battle delayed the advancing if the allies. Hitlers popularity was declining and now people were trying to assassinate him by his own officer. -
Battle of Okinawa
The Japanese now decided that they would rather fight until they die rather than surrender. Some Japanese chose to be a kamikaze. Kamikaze are pilot who take suicide missions and crash their planes of explosives into enemy grounds. scientists came up with a new understanding of atoms and realized that splitting an atom would make a much bigger, deadlier, explosion than the previous explosions. The atomic bomb had come into play and was hoped to end all war. The US warned Japan that if they didn -
The United Nations
The World War 2 Allies set up and organization that would ensure peace among all of them called the United Naitons. The goal of this group was to give the big powerful countires the ability to ensure peace. THe organization took on many world problems like outbreaks of diease, improving education, and other importat things to stay united. In the end this organization helped the world work together much better and helped prevent many things. -
Battle of Berlin
The battle of Berlin was one of the bloodiest battles in history. About 350,000 people on both sides of the fight were killed. Russia and Germany were fighting in the battle because it was supposed to destroy Hitlers Third Reich and finish off World War 2. It was going to be the Russians final attempt to defeat the German Nazis. -
Atomic Weapons
An American plane dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima. This bomb instantly killed more than 70,000 people. Many more people died from radiation and exposure to radioactive materials. When te second atomic bomb was dropped the next day by the US it kied 40,000 more people. The use of atomic bombs did make the Japanese surrender. -
Surrender of Japan
Within 2 days Japan was hit with 2 atomic bombs and had over 110,000 people dead. The Japanese argued about surrendering or continuing to fight on. But on agust 10 emperor Hirohito decided and declared that they were going to surrender. On September 2 1945 Rey signed the formal peace treaty.