Germany attacks France
France gets their butts kicked by Deutschland -
Stalin kills finland anmd they die. -
Invasion of Poland
Germans invade Poland!!!!!!!! -
churchill becomes prime ministoir
Chuirchill is the new boss. Different than the old boss. -
Battle of Britain
Hitler tries to gain air superiority while attacking birtish shipping lines. He fails. Cannot invade britain now. -
You will kill Jews.
Oi ku!
Oi Tu!
Jitaku! -
Lend-Lease Act
I'll lend u my shizz if u lease it from mir. :DDDDD -
bombing of Pearl Harbor!
Japan bombsh Pear Harbor! Oko! Kitaku! -
Battle of Midway
Battle of Midway: get part of Japan's Pacific ocean for the MURRICAS!!! -
Japanese Internment Camps
Japanese-Americans were sent to camps. -
Battle of Alamein
The battle caused Deutschland to surrender to the Allies in North Africa. -
Guadalcanal campaing starts, and it ends with an allied victory... :ooooo -
Battle of stalingrad
Mission objectives: defend stalingrad and afterward head to the Reichstag to conquer over DEUTSCHLAND!!! -
Tehran Conference
Allied meeting of the allies for allied purposed for the allies allied together as allies!!! -
The day in which things happened. It's so erokawaii hentai erotica loli Shimon Kawazu Kurakiri Anku!! :))) :DDDDDDD
:ooo -
Deutsch Blitzkreig am Soviet Union.
Lighting war ended in misery for the germanies. Russia epicly won miserably with lack of potatoes. :ooo -
Mussolini's Assassination
Killed by assassins!!! Then hung... :ooooooo -
Formation oft die UN
The UN is formed to counter the League of Nations and all its unpopularity. -
Nuremburg trials
Nazi officials were trialed and killed for their actions and war crimes. -
MacArthur's Plan for Japan
MacArthur decided that Japan should go freely but without military... -
Yalta conference
Yaltacon! so kawaii! K3
Russia... -
FDR Dies
FDR Dies. Cerebral hemorrhage -
Hitler's suicide
hitler poisons himself and his housewife. :ooo -
Potsdam Conference
Potsdamn that's good... :) -
Atomic bomb
We drop bomb on Hiroshima. Nagasaki 3 days later. -
Hitler in the balkans
Hitler takes over the baltic peninsula!!! -
Cold War
The "war" where you're not actually fighting. -
Marshall Plan
Had some new ideas coming into wwii and how to fight it, such as Truman Doctorite. -
Berlin airlift
Americans airplane the food and supplies over the berlinw all to the poor despots. -
Berlin Wall
The wall that separates the west from the east and has germany all up against a wall with the soviet unuon. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
Cubans had missles pointed at us from their russian overlords. They are mean... :(