World war 2


By bzam
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Who: Germany & Poland
    What: An invasion
    Where: Poland
    Why: To start taking over Europe
    Interesting Fact: Poland was defeated within weeks of being invaded
    Impact on war: It started the war
  • Britain & France Declare War on Germany

    Britain & France Declare War on Germany
    Who: Britain & France
    What: Declare war on Germany
    Where: Germany
    Why: Poland had an agreement with Britain stating, if Germany ever invaded then Britain would back them
    Interesting Fact:
    Impact on War:
  • Hitler Invades France

    Hitler Invades France
    Who: Allies and Germany & Italy
    What: Invasion of France
    Where: Low Countries, France
    Why: To continue taking over Europe
    Interesting fact:
    Impact on war:
  • Miracle at Dunkirk

    Miracle at Dunkirk
    Who: The U.K., Belgium & France
    What: The evacuation of a few hundred thousand soldiers
    Where: Dunkirk, France
    Why: To save hundreds of thousands of soldiers
    Interesting Fact: The weather was a huge factor in this, because the fog that rolled in was the soldiers oly chance at escaping, before the fog german pilots could do fly-bys and shoot those who attempted to flee
    Impact on War:
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Who: United Kingdom, Canada, Germany and Italy
    What: Air battle over the U.K.
    Where: United Kingdom
    Why: To continue taking over Europe and to get revenge for WWI
    Interesting Fact: First major campaign to be fought entirely by air force
    Impact on war: Got the British fully involved in the war
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Who: Japan & the U.S.A.
    What: Bombing of U.S. battle battle ships
    Where: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
    Why: To gain resources
    Interesting Fact: Killed over 2300 Americans
    Impact on war: Had the U.S. join the war by declaring war on Japan
  • U.S.A. Enters War

    U.S.A. Enters War
    Who: Japan
    What: Japan attacking Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
    Where: The U.S.A.
    Why: Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7/12/41
    Interesting fact: The U.S.A. did not want to ne in a war with Japan
    Impact on the war:
  • Battle at Midway

    Battle at Midway
    Who: The U.S.A. & Japan
    What: A naval battle of the Pacific Campagin
    Where: Over the Pacific Ocean
    Interesting Fact:
    Impact on War:
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Who: Nazi Germany & the Soviet Union
    What: Invasion of Soviet territory
    Where: Soviet Union
    Why: To continue taking over Europe and prevent Germany from being flanked
    Interesting Fact: Stalin had his people burn down their houses and farms to prevent the Germans from getting any supplies from foraging
    Impact on war:
  • Raid on Dieppe

    Raid on Dieppe
    Who: Allies & Germans
    What: A raid in Dieppe, France
    Where: Dieppe, France
    Interesting Fact: Influenced the Normandy landings
    Impact on War:
  • D-day

    Who: Allies & Germans
    What: Invasion of Normandy
    Where: Normandy, France
    Why: To suprise attack the Germans
    Interesting Fact: Weather was a huge factor
    Impact on war: Drove Germany back leaving the Allies to Normandy
  • End of WWII

    End of WWII
  • End of WWII in Europe

    End of WWII in Europe
  • A-bomb Dropped on Hiroshima

    A-bomb Dropped on Hiroshima
    Who: The U.S.A. & Japan
    What: The use of the first atomic bomb
    Where: Hiroshima, Japan
    Why: To make Japan surrender
    Interesting Fact: 90,000-166,000 casualties
    Impact on War: Let the world know that the U.S.A. is the strongest superpower
  • Atomic Bomb Dropped on Nagasaki

    Atomic Bomb Dropped on Nagasaki
    Who: The U.S.A. & Japan
    What: The 2nd atomic bomb dropped on Japan
    Where: Nagasaki, Japan
    Why: To have Japan surrender
    Interesting Fact: Killed 60,000 to 80,000 people
    Impact on War Made it clear that the U.S.A. was the strongest superpower