By 16chill
  • German invasion of Poland

    German invasion of Poland
    The German invasion of Poland was the spark of the war. Originally Germany was only taking back land they had lost in the treaty of Versailles and other countries, such as England, didn't do anything about it, but when Germany entered Poland. England and others finally realized that Hitler wasn't harmless. It probably wasnt the time of their life.
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    Battle of Britain

    PictureDuring the war, Germany wanted to take over all of Europe including England. But Hitler didn't want to risk his men against the strong English navy, so he sent air raids, and bombed London and the area around London for months. But England never gave up.
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    Operation Barbarossa

    Picture Operation Barbarossa was the German name for their invasion of Russia. The Germans got over 1,000 miles into Russia before having to retreat, because of defeats at Stalingrad and Kursk. Even though it was a failure for the Germans, they still gain land, but it is very badly kept, and Russia breaks and joins WWII. This is significant because it pulled Russia into the war and started the war on the eastern front.
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    Battle of Moscow

    Picture The battle of Moscow was a battle that happened right outside the great soviet city, Moscow. The Russians ened up winning, but the city was still under threat because the front line was relatively close. This battle was significant because the victory made Stalin overconfident and led to a series of defeats.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    Picture This battle took place inside the city of Stalingrad. It is among the bloodiest battles of all history with a total death count of over 2 million. This was an extremely decisive battle on the eastern front, because after Germany was defeated in Stalingrad. They never won a strageically crucial battle on the Eastern front again.
  • continuation of the battle of Kursk

    advance, so they had time to set up anti-air and anti tank defenses as well as bring together a large reserve force. They ended up easily wearing down the German army with their defenses and then forcing them to retreat with their counter attack. This was significant because after this battle Germany got completely turned around and were driven back until the end of the war.
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    Battle of kursk

    Picture This battle took place near the city of Kursk between German and Soviet forces. This was the last battle that could have turned the tide for German, had they won. The Soviet forces knew that the attack was coming months in advance, so the
  • D-Day

    D day was the day that English, American, and Canadian forces invaded several beaches along the French coast in Normandy. This was a successful attempt by the allied forces to turn the tide of war. This day was an extremely significant day because it signalled that the end of the war was close, and because we were successful that day, many people say that's why we won the war.
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    Battle of the Bulge

    picture The battle of the Bulge is a battle that took place along the French and Belgium border in an attempt to fight back against the advancing allies. The allies won this battle, and it was significant because if the Germans had won it could have been another turning point. or possible even a fork stuck in the road.
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    Battle of Berlin

    picture This battle took place outside of and in the German Capital, Berlin. This offensive was led by the Soviet Union. They attacked Berlin from three sides, and after almost two weeks of fighting the Soviets won out.
  • battle of berlin cont.

    This is significant because the soviets won and only days later Germany surrendered, you could say they threw up their arms into the sky.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    Bombing of Hiroshima
    The bombing of Hiroshima is the first ever use of the nuclear bomb in war. It was very successful even if it didnt completely make Japan surrender.
  • bombing of nagasaki

    bombing of nagasaki
    This is the second usage of nuclear bombs against Japan. Only three days after the first bombing this sent Japan over the edge and they surrendered. Ending the pacific theatre to the war, and thus ending WWII. There has been a lot of controversy on whether the use of nuclear bombs was ethical or whether we were just american idiots