B hitler


  • Mukden Incident

    Mukden Incident
    Japanese military invades Northern China. The Japanese had planned to put dynomite near the railroad tracks and it exploded but did not inturrupt the train.
  • Italy Invades Ethiopia

    Italy Invades Ethiopia
    Ethopians resisted while riding their horses. Italy's tanks and guns were no match as they conqured.
  • Spanish Civil War Begins

    Spanish Civil War Begins
    Francisco Franco started a revolt in Spain. Democracy was wanted and that was one of the main beginnings.
  • Hitler Goes Against the Treaty of Versailles

    Hitler Goes Against the Treaty of Versailles
    First, Hitler built up his army. Next he demilitarized Rhineland which was boarding France.
  • Guernica Bombing

    Guernica Bombing
    Guernica was a small Spanish market town. German planes had flown by and dropped loads of bombs. Anyone who survived was shot.
  • Anschuluss

    Hitler was ready to combine Germany and Austria at the time.Austria's leader had balked at the demands so Hitler sent in German troops.
  • Munich Confrence

    Munich Confrence
    British and French leaders agreed with appeasement. They gave into Hitler's plans but said, yet once again, he will not take anymore land.
  • Hitler takes over the rest of Czechoslovakia

    Hitler takes over the rest of Czechoslovakia
    Their appeasement had failed. Their enxt plan was to attempt to protect Poland with thoughts of Hitler trying to seize there next.
  • Germany Invades Poland (Hitler's Blitzkrieg)

    Germany Invades Poland (Hitler's Blitzkrieg)
    Germany invades Poland. Two dats later, France and Britian declare war on Germany.
  • Hitler Blitzkrieg's Continue

    Hitler Blitzkrieg's Continue
    Hitler starts off to try and annex Denmark and Norway. Then he starts off into Beligum and the Netherlands.
  • Hitler forces France to sign documents

    Hitler forces France to sign documents
    France surrenders. Germany begins to occupy northern France. They set up a puppet state at Vichy.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. On December 11th, President Roosevelt declared war on Japan.
  • Holocaust

    Approxamently six million Jews were killed to Hitler's orderings. Many were used for medical expierments and many died in gas chambers.