Nuremberg Laws
The Nuremberg Laws were laws from the Nazi's that basically reflected their ideology on a juristic base. They were published in order of the 7th Anniversary of the NSDAP with the name „Reichsparteitags der Freiheit",which means as much as Establishment day of Freedom. The Nuremberg laws contain three main ones.Two of the three laws were very rascist and against jews. It restricted their daily life and was created to basically exterminate the jews. There were some heavy restrictions for jews. -
Czechoslovakia in WWII
In a conference with the amry in 1937, Hitler first implied that he wanted to defeat the Czechoslovakia, because they were in a ally with france and they could become a issue later on. He also wanted to help the german minority in the Czechoslovakia. Hitler wanted to defeat the armed forced from czechslivakia and control the ground, so that the germans could use it. The plan was to operate quick and to gain the sudetenterritory. -
Anschluss from Austria
Under the Anschluss of Austria we understand the invasion of German Army, Soecial Security force and police units in Austria on 12 March 1938 and the subsequent incorporation of Austria into the German Reich by the National Socialist German Reich. -
Munich Conference
The Munich Conference was a conference in which the party leaders of Britian, France, Italy and Germany signed a agreement which covered the crisis in czechslovakia. Speakers of czechoslovakia were not represented. They agreed that Germany could take over the SudetenTerritory, that was either way mostly setteled by germans. Actually it was seen to prevent another war. So the major outcome of the conference that within 10 days the german aremd forces invaded the territory. -
Nazi-Soviet Pact
It was a pact between Hitler and the Nazis and Stalin and the Sovietunion. It garanteed that the Soviet Union would stay neutral if Germany would attack Poland and on the other hand it garanteed the Soviet Union to gain back territory thay lost in the first WW. It changed temporary in a friendship and sort of border pact but it ended in 1941 with the attack of germany on russia. -
The Biltzkrieg is a military strategie used by the germans in the second world war, basically to invade poland as fast as possible, with combined armed forces. It should not lead any chances for the opponent to organise any resistance and should be done with unexpected actions against poland but also later france. -
Danzig was a free city state until the NSDAP took over. In 1939, Albert Forster, declared himselfe the governor of Danzig and after a german attack on a outpost in Danzig, Albert Forster decalred Danig as a part of the german empire. The attack was also a forcing event that led to the start of the second WW. Since 1933 mostly Jews but also the polish minority were deposited and followed and mostly killed in concentration camps. There were some major flightschools locted in Danzig. -
Britain, France, Poland 1st Sep. 1939
In the first part of the second world war, the german plan seemd to work out. Germany attacked and took over Poland as well as large parts of Scandinavia. Especially the rapid fall of France was unexpected for most people. Nevertheless, Hitler achieved its main objective, that Britain stayed out of the war for first. -
Phoney War or Bore War
The Phoney War or Bore War was the war after Britain and France declared war on germany on Sep. 3rd after the german attack on Poland. But Britain and France showed hardly any militayr actions. Bith sides were passive. France wasn't prepared for an offensive or military strike on germany, even though they had a army. France build the Maginot-Linie and prepared the defensive actions. So they kind of waited for germany to attack. They also didn't attack because Belgium wanted to stay neutral. -
Poland Capitulation
On Oct. 6th the last polish troops capitulated but not the polish government, that fled. On september 3rd France and Britain declared war on germany, due to their pacts with Poland but they took minimal military actions. The soviet union stepped in to take over territory and the german army could move on but still controlled poland. (The picture shows the german marines attacking a polish harbour) -
Invasion of France
After the invasion of Poland the german armed forces bagan the invasion in the west. Even though Britain and France declared war on germany they stayed mostly passive. So germany took the chance and conquorered the netherlands, Belgium and Luxenburg and began the Invasion of france. -
Evacuation of Dünkirchen
The battle of Dünkirchen took place on may 26th 1940 in the city and harbour of Dünkirchen on nothern france. Until the german armed forces could take over the harbour, over 330 000 soldiers could be evacuated and thereby saved them from beeing victoms of germany. It was the last evacuation harbour of the british forces and because of that very important. -
Battle of Britain
The battle of britain was the air force war between germany and britain. The german plan was it to force british capitulation with massive airstrikes against military bases but also citys. It was a serious of battels fought by air foces of germany and britain over brithis territory. The aim was to eliminate british resisance from the air. It was seen as a important issue before they could take over britain. Later the germans gave up on that issue. -
French Surrender
The german army was just overwhelming and theur tactic lead to the invasion of france. On the 15th June the german army took over paris with no resistance. France was defeated. One day later the French government asked for truce. 60% of France was controlled by germany. they set up a pact on june 22nd, which stated out that the fench amry was heavily restircted and that germany controlled 60% of France and still france had to oay huge ammounts of money etc.