Germany invades Poland
Germany, with help from Slovakia, sucessfully invade Poland. -
Britain declares war on Germany
Britain makes a formal declaration of war because of Germany's actions to Poland. -
Period: to
Phoney War
Period after Germany invades Poland, and Allied forces wait for Hitler's next move. -
Canada declares war on Germany
Germany attacks Denmark and Norway
Germany uses its blitzkreig tactics. by using quick suprise attacks against Denmark and Norway. This tactic proved extremely effective, and Denmark fell in hours, with Norway taking two months. -
German armed forces invades Netherlands
Germany swiftly moved through Belgium, to get to France. After only days in France, German Forces were already at the English Channel. German forces had the Allied forces cornered in the port of Dunkirk. Attempting evacuation by sea, allied forces sent boats to Dunkirk. The German Luftwaffe bombed Dunkirk after hearing of the plan, yet on June 4th 340,000 soldiers were evacuated. -
Period: to
Operation Sea Lion
The German Luftwaffe initated a massice bombing on the shipping facilities and harbours in England. In August, airfields and air factories were now targeted. In Septemeber, the event that would be known as "the Blitz" was started. For forty-five nights, civilians were targeted. Despite all this, Britain's air force prevailed due to advance radar systems, and effective fighter planes. More than 23,000 lives were lost because of the Blitz. -
Operation Barbossa
Despite the Soviets and Germany aggreeing to not invade each other, Hitler ordered a suprise invasion. Despite an intial sucessful push into Russia, as the Russian winter approached, the Germans were ill prepared for the harsh conditions. German forces were forced to give up. -
US enters the conflict
Pearl Harbour
Japanese planes bombed the US naval base Pearl Habour which is located off the coast of Hawaii. Half the fleet was destroyed. -
Hong Kong captured by the Japanese
The Japanese captured the British Colony of Hong Kong on Christmas Day. 1975 Canadian Troops were sent in moths earlier. 555 Canadians died. -
Period: to
Second offensive into Russia.
Another offensive was launched in 1942 to capture valueable oil fields, but after suffering 30,000 casualties, Germany surrendered in early 1943 -
Allies invasion of Sicily
Canadian soldiers partici[ate in the invasion. -
Rome captured by allied forces
Allies launch "Operation Overlord". 30,000 Canadian soldiers attempt a daring raid on the beach of Normandy. The attack proves sucessful, hoever 359 Canadians died, 715 were injured. -
Allied forces attack Germany
Meanwhile, Canadian troops given mission to liberate the Netherlands. -
Groningen German Army defeated by Canadians.
German Troops in the Netherlands surrender.
After being surrounded, the German troops surrender. The Canadians are hailed as heroes, and