World War 1 to World War 2

  • Franz Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian Empire assassinated in Saravejo

    Franz Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian Empire assassinated in Saravejo
    The death of Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie lead to the begining of World War I.
  • Period: to

    World War I

  • Austria Hungary declares was on Serbia. World War I begins.

    Austria Hungary declares was on Serbia. World War I begins.
  • Germany declares war on Russia.

  • Germany declares war on France

    Germany declares war on France
  • United Kingdom declares war on Germany

    United Kingdom declares war on Germany
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia, Serbia declares war on Germany

  • U.S. President Woodrow Wilson announces the U.S. will remain neutral

    U.S. President Woodrow Wilson announces the U.S. will remain neutral
  • The United Kingdom announces that the North Sea is a military area, preventing goods into Germany.

  • The unofficial Christmas truce is declared

    The unofficial Christmas truce is declared
    British and German soldiers agree not to fight on Christmas.
  • Germany declares Great Britian a "war zone"

  • The Dardanelles Campaign begins

    The English and French campaign to open a passage for aid to Russia.
  • The second Battle of Ypres begins, during this battle, the Germans begin to use poison gas.

  • The Battle of Verdun begins

    The Battle of Verdun begins
    The Battle of Verdun begins and it is the longest and bloodiest battle of WWI.
  • Germany sends the secret Zimmerman Telegram to Mexico to influence Mexico to join the war

    Germany sends the secret Zimmerman Telegram to Mexico to influence Mexico to join the war
    The British dechiper the coded message sent to Mexico.
  • The United States declares war on Germany

    The United States declares war on Germany
  • U.S. President Woodrow Wilson issues his Fourteen Points to peace

    U.S. President Woodrow Wilson issues his Fourteen Points to peace
    The Fourteen Points were a statement of peace in the war for the Allies, made by President Wilson.
  • Russia signs the Treaty of Brest Litovsk

    Russia signs the Treaty of Brest Litovsk
    The Treaty of Brest is a peace treaty between Russia and the Central Powers.
  • Germany signs the armistice at Compiegne, France

    Fighting ends on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.
  • The Treaty of Versailles officially ends WWI

    The Treaty of Versailles officially ends WWI
  • Germany and the Soviet Union sign the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

  • Period: to

    World War II

  • Germany invades Poland, begining World War 2

  • Britain and France declare war on Germany; Battle of the Atlantic begins

  • Auschwitz established

    Death camp.
  • Germany invades France, Belgium, and the Netherlands

  • Italy declares war on France and Great Britain

  • France surrenders to Germany

  • Battle of Britain begins

    Battle of Britain begins
  • The United States begins its first peacetime draft

  • Germany invades the Soviet Union

  • Atlantic Conference begins

  • The Japanese launch attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

    The Japanese launch attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
  • Germany and Italy declare war on the United States; US declares war on them

  • Anne Frank and her family go into hiding

    Anne Frank and her family go into hiding
  • The Germans surrender at Stalingrad, Soviet Union

  • Assassination attempt against Hitler

  • Adolf Hitler commits suicide

  • Germany signs an unconditional surrender