• Russia finally declares a general mobilization

  • Germany Declares war on russia

  • Germany invades Luxembourg

    Germany invades Luxembourg
  • Austria-Hungary declares war in Russia

  • President Wilson and U.S. declare war on Germany

    President Wilson and U.S. declare war on Germany
  • Germany finally signs Treaty of Versailles

    Germany finally signs Treaty of Versailles
  • U.S. forces withdraw from Siberia

  • Germany signs a treaty with China

  • Adolf Hitler becomes head of NAZI party

    Adolf Hitler becomes head of NAZI party
  • German foreign Minister Rathenau of Germany is Assassinated

    German foreign Minister Rathenau of Germany is Assassinated
  • Lenin, head of Soviet Russia, Dies, (at ~54 years old, 1870-1924).

    Lenin, head of Soviet Russia, Dies, (at ~54 years old, 1870-1924).
  • - The “Locarno Pact”; Germany and the Powers recognize borders of countries in Western Europe

  • Germany admitted to the League of Nations

    Germany admitted to the League of Nations
  • German foreign minister and Nobel Prize winner, Stresemann, Dies

    German foreign minister and Nobel Prize winner, Stresemann, Dies
  • Weimar Government of Germany falls

    Weimar Government of Germany falls
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

  • Japan exists the League of Nations

  • Hitler’s Dictatorship becomes more and more absolute

  • Germany exists the League of Nations

  • German President Hindenburg, the famous WW1, General, Dies

    German President Hindenburg, the famous WW1, General, Dies
  • USSR admitted into the League of Nations

  • Germany occupies the Rhineland

    Germany occupies the Rhineland
  • Civil War begins in Spain.

    Civil War begins in Spain.
  • Olympic Games begin in Germany

    Olympic Games begin in Germany
  • Germany and Japan agree to the “Anti-Comintern Pact”