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Timeline of John G. Abbott

  • Renouncing Left wings beliefs

    Renouncing Left wings beliefs
    HUAC forced hundreds of people who worked in the movie industry to renounce left-wing political beliefs and testify against one another.
  • John F. Kennedy sends helicopters

    John F. Kennedy sends helicopters
    John F. Kennedy sent helicopters and 400 Green Berets to South Vietnam and authorized secret operations against Viet Vong
  • Sprays Agent Orange

    Sprays Agent Orange
    U.S. aircraft start spraying Agent Orange and other herbicides over rural areas of South Vietnam to kill vegetation that would offer cover and food
  • Assissination of Kennedy

    Assissination of Kennedy
    President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas
  • USS Maddox is attacked

    USS Maddox is attacked
    USS Maddox is attacked by North Vietnamese patrol torpedo boats in the Golf of Tulkin.
  • Halt of the bombing

    Halt of the bombing
    President Johnson halts bombing in Vietnam north of the 20th parallel. Facing backlash about the war, he also announces he will not run for reelection.
  • Operation Menu

    Operation Menu
    Series of secret bombings known as “Operation Menu”, B-52 bombers target suspected communist base camps and supply zones in Cambodia
  • Invasion of Laos

    Invasion of Laos
    ARVN troops, with U.S. support, invaded Laos in an attempt to cut off the Ho Chi Minh Trail
  • Americans lose their lives

    Americans lose their lives
    58,220 Americans lose their lives. 1.1 Million Vietnamise and Viet Cong fighters were also killed.
  • Canceling Iraq's war debts

    Canceling Iraq's war debts
    The Gulf state's refusal to cancel Iraq’s war debts contributed to Saddam Hussein’s decision to make threats against Iraq’s rich, but militarily weak.