Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife decided to inspect Austro-Hungarian troops in Bosnia. On the same day of inspectino was the National Day of Bosnia. The Black Hand provided a group of students with weapons for an assassination attempt to mark the event. A serbian National Student shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife when their open car stopped at a corner, on its way out of town. -
Period: to
WWI Time toast
Britain begins a Distant Blockade
Germany declares war with Russia
The Allies started the evacuation of Gallipoli
The Battle of Jutland
This was the only large naval battle at war. German forces confined to port by a British naval blockade, came out in the hope of splitting the British fleet and destroying it ship by ship, but the British admiral, Beatty, aware that the German tactics were the same as those used by Nelson at Trafalgar, sent a smaller force to lure the German's into the range of Admiral Jellicoe's main fleet. Although Beatty's idea worked, the exchange of fire was brief and the German's withdrew. -
Battle of Somme
Lloyd George becomes Prime Minister
Lloyd George in 1916 replaced Asquith as the Prime minister coalition government which was greatly supported by the Conservative Party. He was not in good terms; however, he was respected for the energy he brought in the political side of the campaign. He did not want the revolution to spread west at all. He saw that Germany was a "barrier" to the communist too. He was also Prime Minister when the government passed the Ireland Act in 1920. -
USA delcares war on Germany
America tried to prevent enterering World War I, but in 1917 America joined with a group of Allies. America joined because Germany was sinking ships -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Official End Date to World War 1
At around 11 a.m. the Armistice was signed at French Town of Redonthes. The final Allied push towards the German border began on October 17, 1918. The British, French and American armies advanced the alliance between the Central Powers began to collapse. Turkey signed an armistice at the end of October