
WWI Timeline (Zivojin Misic)

  • Military Academy

    Military Academy
    Misic taught strategy at the Military Academy. He served on Radomir Putnik's staff. This was during the 1808-09 Bosnian crisis.
  • Period: to


  • Austro-Hungarian Invasion

    Austro-Hungarian Invasion
    Fighting against the Austro-Hungarian invasion of Serbia. Misic was in command of the Serbian First Army.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassination

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassination
    Ferdinand and his wife were both shot to death in Sarajevo, Bosnia. Many people believe that this is the outbreak that started WWI. This resulted in a rapid chain of events involving the war.
  • July Crisis

    July Crisis
    Misic deputised for the ailing Putnik. Which was recuperating at a spa in Hungary. He was the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian army in the First World War.
  • Battle of Kolubara

    Battle of Kolubara
    Misic won a victory at the Battle of Kolubara. This resulted in the expulsion of Austro-Hungarian forces from Serbia. This was the second major victory of Serbia over Austria-Hungary.
  • Germans Fire

    Germans Fire
    The Germans were firing shells filled with chlorine at Allied Lines. This was the first time ever that huge amounts of gas were used to fight. It resulted in the French lines nearly collapsing.
  • Luisitania Sinks

    Luisitania Sinks
    A German submarine sunk the Lusitania. This was the largest ship of that time period. The ship carried 1,198 people, 128 of them were Americans.
  • Germamy Limits Submarines

    Germamy Limits Submarines
    This happened as a reaction to the sinking of Lusitania. Germany was originally trying to keep the U.S. out of the war. About a year and a half later, Germany resumed the submarine warfare. Ironically, this tempted the U.S. to enter the war.
  • Command of First Army

    Command of First Army
    He started the command of First Army, which was initially at Monastir and then Salonika. Misic was assisted by regional Commander-in-Chief, French General Franchet d'Esperey. He led his troops in the Allied Vardar Offensive, they ended up knocking Bulgaria out of the war.
  • Zimmermann Telegram

    Zimmermann Telegram
    The British gave Wilson the Zimmermann Telegram, this was a message from German foreign secretary, Arthur Zimmermann. It proposed that Mexico would side with Germany and Germany would return to Mexico. WIlson decided to decline the offer.
    (The link will show you pictures of the documents and allow you to zoom in and read them.)
  • United States Enters the War

    United States Enters the War
    The U.S. joined its allies (Britain, France, Russia) in the war. A lot of Americans were not happy with this decision. They wanted to remain neutral and not enter the WWI.
  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    This act gave the president the right to draft people into the war. The president at the time was Woodrow Wilson. At first, the U.S. had only a small amount of volunteers, so this changed that and made it better for the U.S.
  • Germany and Russia Peace Treaty

    Germany and Russia Peace Treaty
    This treaty gave Russia new lands that belonged to Ukraine and Poland. Along with this treaty, Russia lost Riga, Lithuania, Livonia, Estonia and part of White Russia. Peace on the Eastern Front allowed Germany to move their soldiers to the Western Front, but this caused big problems for the France, Britain, and America.
  • Battle of Cantigny

    Battle of Cantigny
    This battle was the first American offensive of the war. Unfortunately, this was only a minor action. This led to Third Battle of the Aisne the very next day.
  • Wilhem Abdicates

    Wilhem Abdicates
    Germany was seeking armistice and threatening. The requests for abdication grew greatly. Wilhem’s abdication proclamation was finally published in Berlin on November 30, 1918.