WWI Timeline Project

  • Period: to

    WWI timeline Project

  • The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand happened on June 28, 1913. Archduke was in a car with his wife. Nedjelko Cabrinovic is a Serbian assassin and he tried to throw a grade at the royal couple's car but he missed the car. When the couple left the scene, Archduke wanted to go back and look at the people who got hurt or passed away. The driver for the royal couple took a wrong turn. Gavrilo Princip saw the royal couple, he took the shot and assassinated Archduck and his wife.
  • The outbreak of the First war.

    The outbreak of the First war.
    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand started the First World War. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia because of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
  • The Slaughter of Liege

    The Slaughter of Liege
    The German First Army captured the city on August 7, 1914. The surrounding forts fought on, but several attacks by German infantry were unsuccessful.
  • The battle of Tannenberg

    The battle of Tannenberg
    In The battle of Tannenberg German won against the Russians. About 50,000 Russian troops were killed in this war.
  • The First battle of Marine

    The First battle of Marine
    In the first battle of Marines succeeded in pushing the German back from a distance of 40 to 50 miles. It saved the capital of Paris from capture.
  • The Sinking of The Lusitana

    The Sinking of The Lusitana
    On May 5, 1915, the Lusitania sank. It sank because of a German submarine that was called U-boat and it sank the Lusitania.
  • The battle of Verdun

    The battle of Verdun
    In the battle of Verdun German forces captured Fort Douaumont, the largest and highest of the 19 forts protecting Verdun. Alos the French repulsed a major German offensive. There were more than 700,00 death that battle.
  • The battle of the Somme

    The battle of the Somme
    In The Battle of Somme, The British and Frances forces launched a frontal attack against an entrenched German army North of the Soom River. About 300,00 people died in this war.
  • Zimmerman telegram

    Zimmerman telegram
    The telegram proposed an alliance between Germany and Mexico if the United States entered World War 1 against Germany.
  • America joins WW1

    America joins WW1
    America joined WWI because Germany sank many American merchant ships around the British Isles and it had American people on the ships that Germany sank.
  • The Bolshevik Revolution

    The Bolshevik Revolution
    In the Bolshevik Revolution, Vladimir Lenin seized power and destroyed the tradition of czarist rule.
  • Russia leaves the war

    Russia leaves the war
    Russia left the war because the Bolsheviks who was led by Vladimir Lenin. Overthrew the Russian government and seized power.
  • The battle of Cantigny

    The battle of Cantigny
    The U.S. army's first divisions successfully attacked and defeated German forces holding the small village of Cantign over 300 people were killed in this war.
  • The end of fighting (Armistice)

    The end of fighting (Armistice)
    The Armistice stopped fighting on the 11th of November 1918. They stopped fighting on land, sea, and air in the world war 1. They stoped fighting because Germany and its allies were exhausted.
  • The Treaty of Versaille (The End of The War)

    The Treaty of Versaille (The End of The War)
    The Treaty of Versailles formally ended World War I. Germany and the Allied Nations agreed to The Treaty of Versailles.