
WWI Timeline Block 3

  • The assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    The assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    On June 28, 1914 archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie were killed by Gavrilo Princip he was part of Black hand, this action caused Austria to delcare war on the Kingdom of Serbia.
  • Schlieffen plan is initiated

    Schlieffen plan is initiated
    <a href='' >Germany in Two-Front War and the Schlieffen Plan l THE GREAT WAR
    The Schlieffen Plan was created by General Count Alfred von Schlieffen in December 1905. The Schlieffen Plan was the the plan for a designated attack on France and Russia. Germany planned to defeat France and then turn to the eastern front for a major attack on Russia. The execution of the Schlieffen Plan led to Britain declaring war on Germany on August 4th, 1914.
  • Britan Declares War on Germany

    Britan Declares War on Germany
    Picture 1Video
    Britain declares war on germany on august 9th 1914 because of the German attack on France through Belgum. Exactly two hours after this attack, Britain declares war.
  • The First Battle of the Marne

    The First Battle of the Marne
    The First victory of the Allied Forces.
    They First started trench warfare.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun was the largest single Battle in WWI. This battle started when the Gernan Chief of staff sent a letter to Wilhem II on christmas. This letter stated that they weren't going to win the war against Russia on the Eastern front but on the Eastern Front. Most casualties recorded. ,
  • Batlle of somme

    Batlle of somme
    The battle of somme is a battle fought by the french and british amrmies against german empire. They fought at the french river somme. this battle was consructed by douglas haig and and henry wilson. over 800,000 people were injuerd or killed in thid bsttle making it one of the bloodiest battles in WW1
  • Zimmermans note is intercepted

    Zimmermans note is intercepted
    a 1917 diplomatic proposal from the German Empire offering a military alliance with Mexico, in the event of the United States entering World War I against Germany. The proposal was intercepted and decoded by British intelligence. it was intercepted and published, strengthening US public support for war against Germany as part of World War One.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The Russian Revolution was when the russian people over threw their czarist autocracy and adopted Communism, also establishing the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) (Soviet Union)
  • Woodrow Wilson's 'Fourteen Points' Speech

    Woodrow Wilson's 'Fourteen Points' Speech
    Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points were first outined in a speech he gave to the National Congress in January 1918. In the speech Wilson directly stated waht he thought were the causes of World War I by calling for the abolotion of secret treaties, an adjustment in colonial claims in the interests of both native peoples and colonists, and freedom of the seas
  • Treaty Of Versailles is signed

    Treaty Of Versailles is signed
    The Treaty of Versaille was signed in 1919. It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers.