Mitchell Jones WWI Timeline

By BoldEmu
  • Period: to

    WWI Timeline

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    This is the event that sparked the start of the first world war. The heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire was assassinated by the black hand, a group of bosnian serbs causing Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia
  • Austria-Hungary Declares War on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary Declares War on Serbia
    After the assassination Serbia didn't submit to the Empire's ultimatum so they declared war. Germany promised its support and Russia mobilized to defend its ally Serbia.
  • Germany Declares War on Russia

    Germany Declares War on Russia
    Germany declared war on Russia to help its ally Austria-Hungary who was at war with Serbia, an ally of Russia.
  • Germany Declares War on France

    Germany Declares War on France
    Germany hoped to avoid a war on two fronts by quickly destroying the threat of France. But France was allied with Britain drawing them into the war to defend their allies.
  • Britain and Canada Declare War on Germany

    Britain and Canada Declare War on Germany
    In response to Germany attacking the neutral country of Belgium and attacking their ally France, Britain joins the war. Since Britain still controlled Canada's foreign policy, Canda was pulled into the war too.
  • Germany Invades Belgium

    Germany Invades Belgium
    As part of the Schleiffen plan Germany plans to invade France through Belgium. This way they hoped to have a more direct route to Paris to avoid a war on two fronts with Russia.
  • USA President Woodrow Wilson Declares Policy of USA Neutrality

    USA President Woodrow Wilson Declares Policy of USA Neutrality
    President Woodrow Wilson initially wished for the US to remain neutral in this war. He thought it would be best for american interests if they were to remain out of the war and to not pick sides.
  • The 2nd Battle of Ypres Start

    The 2nd Battle of Ypres Start
    Most of the bloodiest fighting of the early war was fought around the Belgium town of Ypres. Neither side gained much ground. The poem "In Flanders Fields" was written about the battle.
  • Poison Gas Used by Germany at The 2nd Battle of Ypres

    Poison Gas Used by Germany at The 2nd Battle of Ypres
    The Germans at the battle of Ypres used chlorine gas to blind and kill the allied forces. This tactic was outlawed in 1907 and the gas killed Germans and allied soldiers alike.
  • Lusitania Sinks

    Lusitania Sinks
    German U-boats sank the Lusitania, a supply ship carrying many passengers from the US and other countries. This was seen as a attack on innocents and turned public opinion against Germany. It also prompted the US to join the allies.
  • Italy Declares War on Germany

    Italy Declares War on Germany
    Despite being a part of the Triple Alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary, Italy did not join its ally. They declared war on their once allies because the allies promised them lots of land they had wanted from Austria-Hungary at the Treaty of London.
  • The 2nd Battle of Ypres End

    The 2nd Battle of Ypres End
    At the end of the battle more than 6000 canadians were killed, wounded or captured.
  • Newfoundland Regiment Landing at Gallipoli

    Newfoundland Regiment Landing at Gallipoli
    The Newfoundland was part of the allied forces sent to help Russia fight the Ottoman Empire. Upon landing they were already in a war zone. The Newfoundlanders helped capture Caribou Hill later in November, with three men earning medals for their bravery in the fighting. The lack of a military breakthrough convinced the Allies it was time to withdraw from Gallipoli. It was decided the Newfoundland Regiment would help in the difficult task of covering the ev
  • The Battle of Somme Start

    The Battle of Somme Start
    They allies launched a massive offensive against the German trenches near the Somme River in France. They hoped to charge the German lines with wave after of wave of soldiers and out-number them. These tactics were proved out-dated.
  • Battle of Somme End

    Battle of Somme End
    Their tactics failed horribly resulting in heavy casulties for both sides. Despite the slaughter Canadian troops proved themselves in the battle and were chosen to lead other attacks.
  • USA Declares War on Germany

    USA Declares War on Germany
    Germany threatened all ships in the area around Britain with attack. They used their U-Boats to attack any ship they found. This hurt american trade and was one of the major reasons the US decided to join against Germany. Also Germany had declared that if Mexico went to war against the US, Germany would support them.
  • The Battle of Vimy Ridge Start

    The Battle of Vimy Ridge Start
    Vimy Ridge was a heavily defended vantage point that allowed the Germans a view of the surrounding area. For the last two years French and British troops had tried to take the strategic location to no avail. Canadian troops were chosen to lead the next attack because of their proven effectiveness in battle. Julian Byng was put in charge and thanks to his meticulous planning the Canadians assault was more successful.
  • The Battle of Vimy Ridge End

    The Battle of Vimy Ridge End
    Canadian troops won a spectacular victory. They gained more ground, captured more prisoners and artillery then any allied offensive up until that point. The losses were also significantly lower, onlt 3500 men were killed.
  • The Battle of Passchendaele Start

    The Battle of Passchendaele Start
    Byng was promoted and replaced with Arthur Currie. Currie took orders from General Haig and was asked to retake the town of Passchendaele. Haig's earlier assults had failed and troops would have to push through German lines. Currie warned Haig that casulties would be high.
  • The Battle of Passchendaele End

    The Battle of Passchendaele End
    Haig over-ruled Currie and ordered the attack to begin. Currie was correct and the result was a victory but a very costly one. Troops got stuck in the bog and made easy targets. There were over 200000 casulties on each side for only seven or eight kilometres. Eventually german forces retook the town.
  • Halifax Disaster

    Halifax Disaster
    The Halifax disaster was a reminder of the war on the homefront. It occured when a ship collided with another carrying tons of dynomite. The resulting explosin devastated the harbour and the resulting fires damaged much of the city.
  • All Women Can Vote Federally in Canada

    All Women Can Vote Federally in Canada
    Small steps in womens sufferage had been made earlier when Prime Minister Borden had given relatives of soldiers the ability to vote but this was a major step. All women were allowed to vote in federal elections except immigrants and natives.
  • German Republic Founded

    German Republic Founded
    After many losses of important battles German citizens were discontent. Many sailors rose up against the Emperor instead of fighting a lost war. They founded the German Republic and the Emperor abdicated.
  • Armistice Day

    Armistice Day
    This day is known as rememberance day. A truce was signed on the western front was signed which called for the end of the war. This ceasefire was the start of dealing with the end of the war. It was signed at 11am.
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Paris Peace Conference
    The leaders of the allies and all countries that had won the war met together in Paris to discuss terms of peace. Germany and Austria-Hungary were not invited. The terms of peace were very harsh on the two nations.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Germany was very reluctent to sign to such punishing terms but the allies threatened to continue the fighting. The Treaty ended the war but it also helped cause another. Germany was expected to pay for damages and gave away much of its territory to other nations. Many new nations were formed which left people without a homeland. This only made the senses of nationalism worse.