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WWI Timeline Activity


    People have a lot of pride in their countries, this led to a competition to make the other countries scared of your country.

    Stronger counties started to take over Sammler territories to gain power and benefit economically, politically, & socially
  • War (The Sinking of the Lusitania)

    War (The Sinking of the Lusitania)
    War broke out in Europe in 1914, America adopted a neutral stance. The sinking of Lusitania changed this.
  • Finland

  • Austria

  • czechoslovakia


    The building up of armies caused competition to be the most powerful and others feared being taken over.
  • The Sinking of Lusitania

    The Sinking of Lusitania
    German Submarine fired a torpedo and sank the ship
    1,198 people were killed, including 128 Americans. It took 18 minutes for the ship (liner) to sink.
  • The Sussex

    The Sussex
    The Sussex was aFrench passenger steamship, the Geramn sunk it on March 24, 1916
  • Daylight Saving Time

    Daylight Saving Time
    Turning the clocks one hour ahead in summer was so that more hours of the day were available for work. Turning the clock back 1 hour in the summer also reduced the need for light bulbs and lowered the need for fuel.
  • Zimmermann Note

    Zimmermann Note
    The Zimmerman Note was sent on January 16, 1917. The not was sent from Germany and the author was Arthur Zimmermann
  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    The act required all men ages 21 to 30 to register for military service at polling stations. This was the first time the U.S. government had made a draft before entering a war.
  • Espionage/ Sedition Act

    Espionage/ Sedition Act
    The Espionage Act- A U.S. federal law, was passed on June 15th, 1917. The Sedition Act- Made it illegal to speak against the war publicly, this law was passed in 1918
  • Lever Food and Fuel Control Act

    Lever Food and Fuel Control Act
    These acts gave the President power to manage the distribution and production of the food and fuel to the war effort.
  • First American Soldiers to Europe

    First American Soldiers to Europe
    The first American troops, or the "Doughboys", landed in Europe in June 1917. The AEF did not like the front until October 21, 1917, when the 1st Division fired the first American shell of the war toward German lines, although they participated only on a small scale.
  • The Russian Revolution

    The Russian Revolution
    A revolution in Russia in 1917-1918, that overthrew the czar and brought the Bolsheviks, a Communist party led by Lenin, to power.
  • Armistice

    cease-fire" civilian German representative signed this to end the war, 6 hours later there were no more gunshots heard.
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Paris Peace Conference
    An agreement to ensure a world war would never happen again, January 1919 in Paris.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    international organization founded in 1919 to promote world peace and cooperation but greatly weakened by the refusal of the United States to join. It proved ineffectual in stopping aggression by Italy, Japan, and Germany in the 1930s
  • Versailles Treaty

    Versailles Treaty
    A treaty that ended WW1, blamed Germany for the war, and made things a lot harder for the next generation with punishment.