Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated
<a href=http://www.nationaljournal.com/pictures-video/the-assassination-of-archduke-franz-ferdinand-100-years-on-20140627' >Photos and info on the assassination</a><a href=http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/history/mwh/ir1/assassinationrev1.shtml' >Facts about the assassination</a><a href=http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/archduke-franz-ferdinand-assassinated' >Archduke Assassination </a> Franz and his wife Sophie are assasinated by Gavrilo Princip while they were visiting Sarajevo on June 28th, 1914. This event sparked WWI -
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
Paragraph on Serbian blameInformation on the Serbia blameAustria Hungary Decalres War Shortly after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. WWI has officially begun. -
Germany declares war on Russia
WWI informationInformation on Germany declaring War
Germany declares war on Russia shortly after Austra-Hungary declares war on Serbia. Shortly after more wars are declared bringing WWI to a start. -
Woodrow Wilson declares nuetrality
First World War informationHistory.com Infromation Wilson didn't want to get involved with the war so he declares the Unitred states as being neutral -
The Battle of Frontiers in France
History of war InformationHistory.com Information 27,000 French Soilders die pushing toward German borders East of Paris. This was one of the first major battles in WWI. -
Battle Of Tannenberg Begins
Military History about the battleHistoryLearningSite Information This battle ends with a German victory and with the capture of 125,000 Russians. -
Germany Air Raids Britain
History.com bombing infoFirst World War InformationHistory.com information
Germany causes "total war" when they air raid Great Britain with Zepplins. This means pretty much everyone was a potentintiel target. -
poison gas used for first time in war
WWI Posion Gas HistoryPoison Gas Information Russians are attacked with around 18,000 gas shells for the first time in war. With the frigid weather they didn't work to well. The gas couldn't vaporize. -
Italy Joins WWI
Information on why Italy declared war on AustriaHistory on Italy in WWI Italy declares war on Germany and Austria. Italy originally did not want to participate in the war when it started in 1914. -
Battle Of Verdun
Histoy.com Information on WWIInformation on Battle of Verdun
The batlle of verdun begins on this date. This was the longest single war in WWI. It lasted around 10 months. 700,000 men were lost on both sides combined -
Battle Of Jutland
href='http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-i/battle-of-jutland' >History.com Info on Jutland</a> This battle involved over 250 ships and 100,000 men. Even though both sides had victories, Germany retreated and Britain maintaied control of the North Sea -
Germany Starts Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Historylearningsite.com InformationHistory.com Information Germany starts using submarines warfare on the U.S. This is what lead the United States to join the war. -
United States Declares War On Germany
History.com Info
United States declares war on Germany after they start unrestricted submarine warfare on the U.S. Gemany takes out one of the U.S. ships heading to Britain. -
(Veteran) Woodrow Wilson Signs Selective Service Act of 1917
href='https://history.state.gov/milestones/1914-1920/wwi' >Histoy.com Info</a> This act allowed the military to draft men that ranged in the ages of 21-30. My veteran was drafted at this time. He told them that his religion didn't allow war, but the military still drafted him into war. -
Third Battle of Ypres
href='http://www.firstworldwar.com/battles/ypres3.htm' >first world war information</a> This battle lasted 4 months and the main focus point of the battle was to destroy the german submarine warfare -
Argonne forest attack (Veteran)
History infoInfo on Alvin York and this battle Alvin York and his squad were walking in Argonne forest when German machine guns open fired on them. Most of them took cover but not York. Alvin knew the only way they could fire at him is by lifting their heads above the cover to aim the gun. when they did so Alivn, took them out. He killed a total of 20 germans and captured an additional 132. -
WWI Is Over!
End of WWIArmistice signed Germany signs an Armistice with the allies officially ending the war. Germany was blamed for the war and was forced to pay for damage -
Alvin York awarded medal of honor
History on alvin yorks battle Alvin York was rewarded for his heroic duties in the Argonne forest. This was the higbhest honor the army could offer. -
Alvin York Death
sgt york Alvin York dies at the age of 76. He will ne remembered as one of the greatest soliders in WWI