WWII Timeline

By MateoP3
  • German invasion of Poland

    German invasion of Poland
    Because of hunger of power and revenge, Hitler Nazi Germany decides to invade Poland. Nazi Germany used the war strategy “blitzkrieg”, they attacked by surprise and for everywhere. With the help of Germany ally, the USSR, they took control of Poland in a month. This caused the start of WWII.
  • Fall of France

    Fall of France
    After WWI, the French were scared that Germany would invade them, so they build a defensive border in the borders with Germany. So Germany decided to attack France by Belgium, so by using the strategy “blitzkrieg”, they invaded Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. This invasion made the Allies defend those countries and to neglect of France. So Nazi Germany invaded France by surprise and France surrendered. The only Allied standing was the U.K.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Because U.K is an island, the only way to attack the U.K was by sea or by air. Hitler decided to attack U.K because it was the last Allie standing, using “The German Luftwaffe” (Air Force) they launched bombs on London. Although all the intense bombing of Germany, the British Royal Air Force, force back the German attacks, by using strategic air defense. This victory was a very important win for the Allies and boosted their moral.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    After the loss against U.K, Hitler because of his hunger for power decided to attack and betray his Allie, the USSR, launching the largest invasion in history. In the beginning Germany had an initial victory but eventually the USSR reversed the attacks. USSR used the same strategy they used against Napoleon, burned crops, killed animals, and destroying their own cities to leave nothing of military value to the Germans. This causes the Germans to retreat.
  • Pearl Harbor attack

    Pearl Harbor attack
    During the WWII, in the pacific, Japan was growing and was gaining a lot of territory. Because of Japan expansionist ambitions they decided to attack by surprise an American naval base in the islands of Hawaii. This action caused the entry of the U.S into the war. United States became leader of the Allies and contributed.
  • USA declares war

    USA declares war
    Because of the attacks of Japan in Pearl Harbor, USA decides to take some action. They decide to take revenge and join the Allies. So that marked the beginning of USA in WWII.
  • Mexico declares war

    Mexico declares war
    Mexico was a neutral country on WWII. But after Germany sank five oil Mexican ships, Mexico joined WWII, with the Allies. Mexico sent military unit to the USA and helped the Allies.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    This battle was a very decisive confrontation, that at the end U.S won by defeating the Japanese fleet. This victory stoped the expansion of Japan and weakened Japans naval and aerial forces. This set a beginning of an island-hopping campaign in where the US released and liberated islands controlled by the Japanese.
  • Manhattan Project

    Manhattan Project
    During the war, a secret project was created to create a nuclear bomb. This project was directed by Robert Oppenheimer, this project was very secret. No one in the world had ever made a nuclear weapon, and they were the first ones. Those nuclear weapons were going to be use against Japan.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Because of hunger of power, Nazi Germany decided to attack the city of Stalingrad, important city of the USSR. But Germany failed because the soviets resistance and because of the weather conditions. This caused the retreat of the German army and the Soviet Union started to advance toward Berlin. This marked the start of the end of Hitler Nazi Germany.
  • Operation Overlord

    Operation Overlord
    The Allies were ready to end this war, so they Allies started operation overload or known as D-day. The Allies attack Normandy and liberated Western Europe including France. The Allies consisted on American, British, and Canadian troops. They launched a huge invasion on the Normandy beaches, and despite the Germany defenses they defeated the Germans. And they were ready to head to Germany.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    After the Operation Overload Hitler knew that it was the end for Germany. So in a bunker with his wife and some important generals, all committed suicide and they assumed the defeat. The body of Hitler was burned and this made the Allies happy.
  • VE Day - Victory in Europe

    VE Day - Victory in Europe
    After the successful win on Normandy from the Allies, and Hitlers suicide, the Americans, British, and French forces advances to Germany. And on the other side the Soviet Union army were advancing toward Germany. When they reached to Berlin, German officers surrendered to the Allies. War in Europe ended after Germany signed and surrendered. This is known as Victory in Europe or V-E day.
  • Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    After the U.S started to take liberate almost all the pacific, Japan wouldn’t surrender, they were going to fight until everyone died. So the U.S government decided to use the nuclear bombs created.The first nuclear bomb was used on the city of Hiroshima.Later on the city of Nagasaki another nuclear bomb was dropped. Nobody expected the nuclear bombs, the nuclear bombs created a catastrophic and immediate impact. It was the first and last time nuclear bombs were used on the planet earth.
  • VP Day - Victory in the Pacific

    VP Day - Victory in the Pacific
    After the first bomb used against Japan, the generals were in disbelief. Two days later the USSR launched a big invasion on China that was occupied by Japan, and they liberated. Then the second nuclear bomb was dropped and the generals needed to decide to continue fighting or surrender. At the end they were scared that it can cause more effects so they surrendered. That was victory in the pacific, or VP Day.