The War Begins
After Franz Ferdinand was Assassinated the war began. The same day he was killed Austria declared war on Serbia. The war was first called the war to end all wars but after WWII it was changed to WWI. WWI was a 2 front war with trenchs and was the first modern war. -
German Troops enter Belgium
Germany gave Belgium a choice of fighting or being conquerd. The Belgium King decided to fight even though they were out numbered. Germany quickly overwhelmed Belgium and the King was forced to move there government. Part of the Schlieffen Plan was to invade Belgium. -
British call for 100,000 people to Join the army
The British needed people in there army so they began a recruting campain. 33,000 men join daily. After Three weeks he rasied the age limet from 30 to 35. In the middle of September 500,000 men had joined to fight. -
First German plane gets shot down
The Allied powers finally shot down one of the German’s plane.The plane that shot it down was called Voision III. The Plane was made by Gabriel Voision and he was the most productful in the first world war. Voision became a standard bomber in the war. -
Christmas Truce on the western front
Both Central and Allied powers stoped firing on 24 December. They both when to no mans land and had Chrismas with each other. They played games, talked, and had a fire. They had a lot of fun but after that they went back to shooting. -
Sinking of the Lusitania
All ships in the waters a round Britain where in danger of being killed even is they were nuetral. The ship Lusitaina came and was neutral but it had matrails for the war for the Allied powers so they shot it. The boat was shot by a U Boat, the U Bout is a submarine but it would ussally be up about the surface. -
USA declares war on Germany
The US was a major producer in making steel and coal and that help the US economy. Some people wanted to go to war but the president wanted to stay out of it so they did. The war was helping the US economy export goods to the allied powers. On 2nd of April the President asked for permission to go to war but the House of Representatives said no. -
US arrives at France
In April 1917 The selective Service Act was passed which made ment ages 21-30 had to be in the army to fight. About 24 million people registered and 4 million were in the war. By June 1918 over a million were in France. More came but theyn were too late to see action. -
Earl M. Bill leaves the US to France
Earl left on September 23 to got to France to fight. He got there on a ship that stayed there till November 23. When the Armistice was being signed they didn't need heavy guns so they got them and put them on the ship. One of his Captains was disappointed to not get to shot at them. -
Earl Bill on the Ship
Earl wants to get off the ship and can't wait to get off. The second day he was sick with Spanish Fluenza. He couldn't work for a little. He was gald when he got off the ship. -
Earl Bill knows war is almost over
Earl Bill knows the war is almost over because he is hearing good news about the front. He is very happy that the front is doing good. He is glad the war will be over soon. -
On October 6 1918 The germans asked for Woodrow to stop firing at them. The germans made it clear that it was not a surrend that it was a attempt to end to war. Woodrow rejected it and the war continued. On November 11 the Armitice treaty was signed but it only made Paris peaceful. -
Earl Bill experience at end
Earl was sad that he did not get to fight in the war. He was anxious to get home but would like to stay longer but he can't. He had only served for 6 months and was a captain. He did not fight at all but really wanted to -
The Treaty of Versailles was signed
On June 28 1919 The Treaty of Versailes was signed. Some of the terms were German payed for the war, Germany couldn’t have troops in France. The war was long at at first it was called The War to End All Wars but then was change to WWI after WWll.