WWI Events Timeline

  • Russian Revolution (Pt. 2)

    On top of that, many workers were unhappy with how high the prices for bread were and the fact that bread cost more than they made working in the factories. After many protests, wars, and revolts the people managed to equalize the power of the government and the public. They managed to change it from monarchy to communism, so everyone shares everything and isn't just owned by one power (Kiger, 2021).
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The countries involved are Russia, Germany, and Austria-Hungary. During the Russian Revolution many things happened. A few events during the Russian Revolution were: The Bloody Sunday massacre of 1905, The February Revolution, The Bolshevik Revolution, The Russian Civil War, etc. It went on from 1905 to 1917 (History.com Editors, 2023). It happened in Russia. The Russian citizens were losing faith in their monarchy, after they had been so easily defeated in the war.
  • Balkan Wars

    Balkan Wars
    The countries who fought in the Balkan Wars were Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Ottoman Empire, Montenegro, and Romania. The Balkan Wars were two wars that did major damage to the Ottoman Empire, getting rid of nearly all of the Ottoman Empire’s European territories. The Balkan Wars lasted 1 year, from 1912 till 1913. A few locations where the Balkan Wars took place were the Balkans, Kosovo, Skopje, Thrace, and Thessaloniki.
  • Balkan Wars (Pt.2)

    The Balkan Wars started because of discontent in Bulgaria, Serbia, and Greece which was caused by disorder in Macedonia. The Balkan Wars were one of the events that led to WWI because it caused many of the European powers to clash over trade, colonies, etc (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023).
  • Assassination of the Archduke Franz

    Assassination of the Archduke Franz
    The people involved in the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand were the terrorist group, the Young Bosnians, the Black Hand, and the Archduke Franz. On June 28, 1914 during the Archduke’s visit to the Bosnian Capital of Sarajevo a Serbian teenager assassinated Ferdinand, who was the heir to the Austro-Hungary throne. He did this because Austria-Hungary annexed provinces despite Serbia not wanting that. Also, Franz thought of Serbian’s as pigs, scoundrels, murderers, and thieves.
  • Assassination of the Archduke Franz (Pt. 2)

    They killed him with the help of bad security, and the Black Hand. When the Young Bosnians caught wind of the Archduke’s visit they began plotting to kill him. Gavrio Princip, Trifko Grabes, and Nedeljko Cabrinovic received 6 handheld bombs, 4 semiautomatic pistols, and cyanide suicide capsules from the members of the Black Hand. The Black Hand also helped the boys take their weapons across the border.
  • Assassination of the Archduke Franz (Pt. 4)

    The bomb bounced off the hood of the car and ended up exploding another vehicle. The Archduke decided that he wanted to finish the planned event, and while driving there they took a wrong turn and ended up on the same street as one of the members of the Young Bosnians, who immediately shot the Archduke dead (Greenspan, 2020).
  • Assassination of the Archduke Franz (Pt. 3)

    Another reason why the boys were able to assassinate the Archduke was the lack of security, Ferdinand’s car was supposed to have 6 specially trained officers, however the car only had 1 specially trained officer and 3 local police officers. The Young Bosnians stationed themselves along the Appel Quay. When the motorcade passed, they asked which car the Archduke was in and when they got their answer they threw a bomb at the car.
  • WWI Begins

    WWI Begins
    The people involved in the start of WWI were the Archduke and the people who killed him (Young Bosnians). WWI was a war that was fought for 4 years. The war started July 28, 1914 in Sarajevo, Bosnia. After the Archduke was killed, it led to a war across Europe between the Central Powers and the Allied Powers (History.com Editors, 2021).
  • Lusitania Sinks

    Lusitania Sinks
    The countries involved were Germany & Britain. Germany torpedoed the British Lusitania ship, which killed 1,195 people. It happened on May 7, 1915. During its voyage to NYC, the Lusitania sank right off the coast of Ireland. German naval commanders were aware of the British arming their ships. Germany destroyed Lusitania claiming it as “fair game” because the Lusitania carried weapons and war supplies.
  • Lusitania Sinks (Pt. 2)

    Germany broke naval laws by declaring the water surrounding the British Isles a war zone. They also stopped following the law that warned ships of a submarine. So Germany was able to sink the Lusitania using a German U-boat submarine (McDermott, 2022).
  • Battle of Gallipoli, Somme

    Battle of Gallipoli, Somme
    The Battle of Gallipoli, Somme was between the Allies and Germany. The result of this battle was many casualties and they weren’t able to get through Germany’s defenses. The battle lasted from July to November 1916. The battle happened near the Somme River in France. It happened because the Allies wanted to damage the Germans defense on the Western front. They tried to accomplish this by launching a week-long attack on the German lines (History.com Editors, 2023).
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    France and Germany were the countries involved in this battle. The Battle of Verdun was a battle during WWI in which France took back a major German attack. The Battle of Verdun started on February 21, 1916 and ended on December 18, 1916. This battle took place in France, the Meuse River, and Verdun. It happened because Germany wanted to secure victory on the Western Front. They wanted to destroy the French army before the Allies got the chance to grow stronger.
  • Battle of Verdun (Pt. 2)

    The battle resulted in many casualties, and destroyed lots of land and villages (Bidou, 2023).
  • U.S. Enters the War

    U.S. Enters the War
    The countries involved were the US, Mexico, and Germany. The US joined the war in 1917. The US joined WWI because of an intercepted message between Germany and Mexico. The message that Germany sent to Mexico was Germany’s attempt at convincing Mexico to attack the US. President Wilson spoke to the Cabinet about moving from a policy of armed neutrality, to war. All the members of the Cabinet agreed to war. (National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023)
  • Zimmermann Note

    Zimmermann Note
    The countries involved were Germany, Britain, and America. The Zimmermann note was a telegram sent from Germany to Mexico. It was sent January 16, 1917 from Germany. Germany sent out the Zimmermann note in hopes of creating an alliance between Mexico and Japan if America chose to wage war against them. The Zimmermann note was sent out via telegram, and it got intercepted and decoded by Britain, and they showed it to Wilson (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023).
  • Russia Withdraws from the War

    Russia Withdraws from the War
    The Entente Powers (France, Russia, Britain, Italy, and the US) and The Central Powers (Germany, Austro-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empires. Russia withdrew from WWI in March 1918. They withdrew due to military failures, political problems within the countries, and struggles with the economy. A few of the economic struggles being food shortages, loss of a lot of ammunition and supplies, and inflation.
  • Russia Withdraws from the War (Pt. 2)

    In order to withdraw from the war Russia had to sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (History for Kids, 2023).
  • Battle of Chateau-Thierry

    Battle of Chateau-Thierry
    Germany, France, and the US were also involved in the Battle of Chateau Thierry. The Battle of Chateau Thierry was one of the first offensive actions of the American Expeditionary Forces during WWI. The fight started July 15, 1918. The battle was fought in France. General John wanted to end the trench battle that had lasted 4 years. The Germans attacked the American Expeditionary Forces and they retaliated which caused Germany to be driven back (Goldenberg, 2018).
  • Armistice of WWI

    Armistice of WWI
    The people involved in the Armistice of WWI were the Germans, Belgians, and the French. The Armistice was a ceasefire between the Allies and Germany, it didn’t end WWI but it did stop the fighting on the western front. It took place in Compiegne, France on November 11, 1918. It happened because Germany gained a lot of territory, however they lost a lot of supplies and reinforcements.
  • Armistice of WWI (Pt. 2)

    The allies pushed them back. When the people heard of the defeat it caused Germany to lose the support of its people. So, with a weak military and no support from their people the Germans had to sign on the Allies' terms (Sawer, n.d.).
  • Battle of Argonne

    Battle of Argonne
    The countries that participated in the Battle of Argonne were France, Germany, and the United States. The Battle of Argonne was one of the attacks that led to the end of WWI. The Battle of Argonne lasted from September 26, 1918 till November 11, 1918. A few places that the Battle of Argonne took place were: Argonne, Meuse River, and France. The Allies wanted to attack the Germans and force them back into Germany and out of France.
  • Battle of Argonne (Pt. 2)

    The Americans were surprise attacked while passing through the Argonne forest (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023).
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty was signed by Germany and the Allies (U.S., France, U.K.). The Treaty of Versailles was one of the treaties that helped officially end WWI. June 28, 1919 is when the treaty was signed at the Palace of Versailles outside of Paris, France (National Geographic Society, 2023). The terms of the treaty were that Germany, and other Central Powers would take the blame for the war and have to pay the Allies reparations.
  • The Treaty of Versailles (Pt. 2)

    The Allies were upset about all the damages Germany had done to the civilian population and property so they demanded compensation at the Paris Peace Conference (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023).
  • First Meeting of the League of Nations

    First Meeting of the League of Nations
    A few people involved in the League of Nations are Woodrow Wilson, Gustav Stresemann, Sir Rober Borden, Jan Smuts, and Fridtjof Nansen. The League of Nations was an organization with the purpose of creating international cooperation. The League of Nations was established on January 20, 1920 and it was disbanded on April 19, 1946. The League of Nations headquarters is located in Geneva.
  • First Meeting of the League of Nations (Pt. 2)

    The League of Nations was created because people believed aggressive war was a crime, not only a crime against the people involved in the war but humanity itself. The League of Nations was established after everyone at the peace conference meeting agreed that they should establish the League of Nations in order to maintain peace in the future (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023).