WWI Events

  • Balkan states attacked Turkey

    Several Balkan states attacked Turkey and succeeded in taking a large sum of land from Turkish control. Soon the Balkans were fighting among themselves. This caused them to be soon called a powder keg.
  • Assassination of Arch Duke Francis Ferdinand

    Assassination of Arch Duke Francis Ferdinand
    The Serbian terrorist group called The Black Hand took action against Austria. Franz Ferdinand was shot by Gavrilo Princip. This event is considered the spark of WWI
  • Austria declares war on Serbia.

    Austria declares war on Serbia after they didn't agree to all the terms Austria had given them.
  • Britain declared war on Germany

    Britain declared war on Germany after Germany had invaded Belgium.
  • The Turks join the Central Powers

    After the Turks joined the Central Power they cut off crucial Allied supply lines to Russia.
  • Germany and the Allies use poison gas

    Germany and the Allies use poison gas against their enemies. Gas masks were given to soldiers after poison gas was used against them. This was a development in technology and warfare.
  • German U-boats were introduced

    The German U-boats would sink merchant ships carrying vital supplies to Britain.
  • Allies sent massive force of troops to open up the strait

    The Allies tried opening up the strait that connected the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. If they succeeded they would return supply lines to Russia
  • A German submarine torpedoed the Lusitania

    A German submarine torpedoed the Lusitania
    A German submarine attacked the Lusitania. 1,200 passengers including 128 Americans.Germany said that that the Lusitania was carrying weapons to justify it. The Germans soon changed their tactics how they attacked boats.
  • Britain imposed conscription

    Britain and Germany imposed the draft in their countries so more people would be in the military to fight the war.
  • The Allies withdrew from the Dardanelles

    After 10 months and 200,000 casualties the Allies withdrew from the straits. The Turks had control of the strait called Dardanelles
  • United States declares war on Germany

    United States declares war on Germany
    The United States declares war on Germany after the German government said they would help Mexico reconquer New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona in exchange for Mexican support against America
  • Bread Riots in St. Petersburg erupted

    Bread riots in St. Petersburg erupted into a revolution that brought down the Russian monarchy.
  • Lenin signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Lenin signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk which ended Russian participation in World War I.
  • German government sought an armistice

    The German government sought an armistice to end the war