• Period: to

    Great Deppression and WWII

  • Japan signs an international treaty with China

    Japan agrees to respect China's borders within the treaty. Social event
  • Great Depression strikes Japan

    Many Japanese blamed the government for the depression. Economc event
  • The U.S. falls into the Great Depression

    As a result of the Great Depression in the U.S. President F.D.R. created his 20 points. A part of these 20 points was, "the new deal". Economic event
  • The stock market crashes

    The U.S. is techically already in "the Depression" however the crashing of the stock market has stock markets plummit and banks shut down as a result. Economic event
  • The Leauge of Nations is created

    The League of Nations includeed all major nations except the U.S. Social event
  • Japanese army seizes Manchuria

    Manchuria was rich in coal and iron and was seized despite objections from the Japanese parliment. Military event
  • Japan Withdrawals from the League of Nations

    Japan withdrawls on account of protests from the other natiions. Social event
  • Gasing begins being carried out in concentration camps

    After two years it was estimated that somewhere between 200,00 and 250,000 people were killied by use of the gas chambers. Technological event
  • The createion of the atomic bomb

    The creation of the atomic bomb is known as the Manhatten Project. It consisted of a group of researchers dedicated to finding an efficient way to make a bomb of uranium-235 that could be used in warfare.

    Technological event
  • WWII Begins

    The German Nazi's attack Poland, this marks the start of WWII. Political event
  • Pearl Harbor

    The Japanese Kamikaze planes bomb Hawaiian naval base, Pear Harbor. Military event
  • The U.S gets involved in the war

    The U.S declares war on JApan and Germany, inow involving them in WWII. This is due to Japan's bombing of PEarl HArbor in Honolulu, Hawaii. Political event
  • Battle of Midway

    Island hopping was used in this battle. Military event
  • British and American forces invade French North Africa

    They forced the German and Italian troops to surrender. Political event
  • Tehran

    Met to decide future of war; agreed to a partition of postwar Germany until denazification could take place. Social event
  • D-Day Invasion

    U.S. (allied troops) invade the shores of Normandy, France. Military event
  • Yalta

    Defeat of Germany was foregone conclusion. F.D.R. p;edged to assist liberated Europe in the creation of democratic goverments. Social event
  • U.S takes Iwo Jima

    The U.S. military invaded and fought to capture the island nation of Iwo Jima from Japan's control. This was the bloodiest battle in the Pacific. Political event
  • Franklin Delanor Rossevelt dies

    F.D.R. is succeeded by Truman. Truman demanded free elctions in Europe; the U.S. and Soviet Union rivalry emerges. Political event
  • Potsdam

    Truman demanded free elections in Europe. As a result the U.S. and Soviet Union rivalry emerges Social event
  • Hiroshima

    In hopes of ending the war the U.S drops the atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, Japan. Political event
  • Japan's unconditional surrender

    As a result of the "Potsdam" the U.s declared that they would do anything to end the war. This is why they dropped the atomic bomb on iroshima, due to Hiroshima Japan's Emperor, Hirohito agreed to unconditionaly surrender.
    Political event