• Election of Woodrow Wilson

    Election of Woodrow Wilson
    It ended peace that had been ongoing since George Washington.
  • Assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
    It jump started WWI with countries soon following action due to alliances
  • America declares neutrality in war

    America declares neutrality in war
    It stuck to Washington's address and showed that the US had no problems with other countries
  • The Battle of Marne

    The Battle of Marne
    Germany acquired a large portion of North East France
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    A German u boat sunk the lusitania with torpedoes
  • The Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun
    The French repulsed a German attack
  • The Sussex incident

    The Sussex incident
    U boats launched torpedoes at the Sussex
  • The Battle of Somme

    The Battle of Somme
    German machine gunners mowed down Brittish infantry
  • Woodrow Wilson's reelection

    Woodrow Wilson's reelection
    Woodrow Wilson is elected for his second term in office
  • Zimmerman telegram intervention

    Zimmerman telegram intervention
    Stated that Mexico and Germany would fight together to gain Mexico its land back
  • Unrestricted submarine warfare

    Unrestricted submarine warfare
    Germany declares that they will attack ships without reason with no warning
  • US enters WWI

    US enters WWI
    The US finds out about Germany's submarine warfare
  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    The US could now draft men over the age of 18 for war
  • Espionage Act

    Espionage Act
    The US was punishing people speaking out for the war effort
  • AEF landing in France

    AEF landing in France
    The United States American Expeditionary force lands in France.
  • Fourteen points speech

    Fourteen points speech
  • Spanish flu epidemic

    Spanish flu epidemic
    An H1N1 virus that started due to birds that swept throughout America
  • Russia pulls out of WWI

    Russia pulls out of WWI
    Russia withdrawals from the war due to a socialist uprising within the nation
  • Passing of the sedition act

    Passing of the sedition act
    The act made it illegal to speak out against the war effort in fear of punishment
  • The Battle of Argonne forest

    The Battle of Argonne forest
    The final allied offence of the war that lead to the end of WWI
  • Armistice day

    Armistice day
    The end of peace negotiating marking the end of WWI
  • Paris Peace Confrence

    Paris Peace Confrence
    A conference where Germany accepted blame and made them pay reperations