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Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
Franz was on his way to the Sarajevo town hall in Bosnia when he and his wife were shot point-blank by 19-year-old Gavrilo Princip. Austria-Hungary considered this assassination as an attack on the country by the Serbians. After the Serbians are uncooperative with what the Austria-Hungarians want, Austria-Hungary declares way. -
Beginning of the War
The French military was heavily guarding the France-Germany border and to get around them, the Germans went through Belgium and started the first WWI battle. The Belgium military refused to obey the Germans. In response to this strong-willed act, Germany invades Luxemburg. When the Britains hear what is happening, they give military support to Belgium. -
First Battle of Marne
The Firat Battle of Marne was a surprise attack on the Germans by the French. They successfully stopped the Germans at the Marne River Valley. This battle resulted in the first uses of trench warfare with a French victiory. -
Lusitania Sinks
Lusitania was a passenger ship with many people, some Americans. After being warned by the Germans to not go near their submarines, they go near it anyway. When the ship got too close, german submraies bombed it and not a single passenger survived. -
Battle of Jutland
The Battle of Jutland was a huge naval battle between Britain and Germany. This battle later became the biggest naval battle in naval warfare history. It ended with both countries claiming victory, with Britain having a strategic victory and Germany having a casualty victory. -
First Tanks
The British are the first to use tanks in WWI. The first battle with tank warfare was the Battle of Flers-Courcelette. Tanks increased mobility for soldiers on the western front and eventually made trench warfare useless -
U.S. Enters the War
The U.S. enters the war on April 2, 1917. After the Lusitania was bombed by the Germans, America starts to get unhappy. They officially enter the war after the Zimmerman Note, a note sent to Mexico by the Germans offering to help get land back if they start
a war with the U.S. to keep them distracted. When the U.S heard of this note, they join the France/Britain side and declare war on on Germany. -
Second Battle of Marne
The Second Battle of Marne was the last major German battle on the Western front. The Germans failed when they were overwhelmed by the Allied Powers. This battle made it clear that the Germans had lost the war. -
Fighting Comes to an End
The Armistice of November 11, 1918, also known as the Armistice of Compiègne, stopped the first world war. It went into effect on November 11, 1918, at 11 AM (the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour). The allied countries had finally been victorious against Germany. Although the armistice stopped the battles and the fighting, the disagreements did not come to a halt. -
Treaty of Versailles
WWI was not officially ended until the Treaty of Versailles was signed. The Treaty of Versailles was written by the Allies to punish Germany and make it impossible to continue a war with France. Germany agreed to sign the treaty and pay the dues, but that plan did not continue after Hitler rose to power.