By cgum60
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand assinated

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand assinated
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife where shot to death by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Bosnia. Franz was next in line for the Austro Hungarian throne but was not well liked by the aristocratic circles. The assassination of Franz Ferdinand triggered a chain of events including the start of World War One.
  • Austria-Hungry declares war on Serbia

    Austria-Hungry declares war on Serbia
    The assassination of Franz Ferdinand led Austria Hungry to declare war on Serbia. Austria- Hungary determined that the correct response to the assassinations would be to prepare for a possible invasion on Serbia. Germany and Austria-Hungary demanded that all Austrian propaganda within Serbia be suppressed.
  • Russians are defeated at the battle of Tannenburg.

    Russians are defeated at the battle of Tannenburg.
    The 8th German army struck the 2nd Russian Army with lethal force. More than 50,000 Russian soldiers were killed and around 92,000 soldiers were taken as prisoners during the war.
  • Germans conduct air raid on Paris.

    Germans conduct air raid on Paris.
    The Air raid on Paris was intended to terrorize the citizens of Paris. German lieutenant Ferdinand von Hiddessen was the first person to drop a bomb on Paris.
  • Commission for Relief in Belgium Founded

    Commission for Relief in Belgium Founded
    This was created by Herbert Hoover and at the time was a mining engineer and consultant living in London. Civilians in Belgium and Northern France would receive tons of food that was distributed by the CRB.
  • Bread rationing is introduced in Germany

    Bread rationing is introduced in Germany
    All citizens receive a bread card that says they have a limit of 225 grams of bread a day. The bread rations worked well when they were introduced. The cost of bread fell and there were no signs of starvation.
  • Germany threatens submarine warfare against merchant vessels

    Germany threatens submarine warfare against merchant vessels
    The waters around the British Isles were declared a "war zone" by Germany. Every merchant vessel found would be destroyed by German submarines. They warned that any neutral crew or passenger in the zone would be safe.
  • Allies land in Gallipoli, Turkey

    Allies land in Gallipoli, Turkey
    Troops from Australia, New Zealand, and the rest of the allied forces move into Gallipoli, Turkey. The Dardanelle Straits were protected by twisting shorelines which were controlled by the Turkish. This was a key international waterway that connected the Mediterranean Sea to the Black Sea.
  • Allied troops enter Kut-al-Amara in Mesopotamia

    Allied troops enter Kut-al-Amara in Mesopotamia
    Troops from Britain and India went up the Tigris River to capture Kut-al-Amara in Mesopotamia from the Turkish forces. Their ultimate goal was to capture Baghdad which was around 100 miles from present day Baghdad in Iraq. In April 1916, they will surrender their forces.
  • British nurse Edith Cavell is executed

    British nurse Edith Cavell is executed
    Edith Cavell was a British nurse that worked with the Red Cross. She was shot by Germans because she was accused of being a spy and helping Allied soldiers. Five days after her execution, she was charged with espionage.