
By macivk
  • Annexation of Sudetenland

    Annexation of Sudetenland
    The annexation of Sudetenland led to the German occupation of Czechoslovakia. Hitler wanted to reunite the German people in preparation for the second world war.
  • Island Hopping

    Island Hopping
    This was a pacific strategy used by the allies. In order to gain back all the islands Japan had captured. US military traveled to important islands and took back the islands. This strategy was used until 1944.
  • pearl harbor

    pearl harbor
    Pearl Harbor was an unexpected attack on a US naval base. The attacked caused panic in the United States and Japanese-Americans were discriminated. In one of the worst violations of human rights Japanese-Americans were forced into camps and were not allowed to leave.
  • The Philippines

    The Philippines
    The Philippines were invaded by Japan after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The allies later liberated the Philippines in a naval invasion.
  • Japanese Internment Camps

    Japanese Internment Camps
    Pearl Harbor left Americans scared and unsure. Japanese Americans were seen as untrustworthy and the US government decided that something needed to be done. People were forced from the west coastal area into camps and were not allowed to leave. It is seen as one of the worst violations of human rights in history. These camps lasted until March 20 1946. https://www.history.com/news/japanese-internment-camp-wwii-photos
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    This battle was fought mainly by aircraft and helped to destroy some of Japans navy. The battle ended on June 7 1942.
  • Guadalcanal

    Guadalcanal was one of the first offensive battles the Allies took place in. Most of World War II was fought as a defensive war. Winning was important in order to gain control of communication between the US and Australia.
  • Stalingrad

    The battle of Stalingrad helped turn the war in the allies favor. It was an extremely long and brutal fight. Millions of people were killed and injured including citizens. The battle lasted until February 2 1943.
  • D-Day

    Allied powers decided to take action against the Central powers and invaded France's cost. The Normandy landings were a major turning point in the war and was the largest seaborne invasion in history.
  • Meeting at Yalta

    Meeting at Yalta
    The Yalta conference was held to discuss the reorganization of Germany after the war. It was decided that once Germany was defeated the allies would invade Japan. The meeting ended February 11 1945.
  • Fall of Berlin

    Fall of Berlin
    The Soviet Union fought an offensive battle. It was one of the last battles of the pacific theater. It ended on May 2 1945.
  • Death of Hitler

    Death of Hitler
    Hitler lead Germany out of depression and into war. When the war came to an end Hitler did not want to be captured and executed so he killed himself. Once Hitler was dead the war was ultimately over.
  • Los Alamos

    Los Alamos
    Los Alamos is known as the birth place of the atomic bomb. New Mexico was majorly underpopulated. The concealment of the labs intentions were easily hidden.
  • Meeting at Potsdam

    Meeting at Potsdam
    President Truman announced that the US had dropped the first atomic bomb. The meeting also failed to solve some of the most important issues. The meeting ended on August 2 1945.
  • Hiroshima

    Hiroshima was bombed in order to get Japan to surrender without requirements. It was targeted as one of four targets. Its military importance made Hiroshima a bigger target.