ww2_johnson MJ

  • Period: to

    Japan invades CHINA

    Japan invaded China and World war 2 broke out
  • Westtern European Offensive

    Westtern European Offensive
    After attacking Poland and annexing Czechoslovakia,Hitler put the direction of attack in Western Europe.Due to the disclosure of the earliest"yellow plan",Hitler temporarily adopted Manstein's plan.
    The plan was a great success,Under Guderian's excellents fell one after another,With FRanche's surrender,Western Europe was brought into Hitler's territory.
  • Flash Poland

    Flash Poland
    On 1939,Germany occupied Poland through powerful armored dorces and the German defense forces in a blitzkrieg,and the Soviet Union participated in the partition.
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    Britian air war

    Hitler attacked Britian through air combat.Under the attack of the German Air force,the coastal cities of Britian almost turned into ruins .The Britian soldiers and civilians insisted on resisting.Hitler gave up entering Britian because he wanted to attck the S.U.
  • MInsk_smolensk battle

    MInsk_smolensk battle
    Hitler launched the "Project Barbarossa". Due to the suddenness of the attack and the absolute superiority of the German armored forces, the Central Army Group launched a pincer offensive in the Minsk_Smolensk area. The Soviet Union was unable to resist and lost nearly one million troops. , The Air Force was almost wiped out
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    Defense of Leningrad

    The Defense of Leningrad was the longest battle in World War II and the second most deadly battle. Germany besieged Leningrad from 1941 and lasted until 1944. Both sides invested in a million-level army to participate in the battle. Although Germany occupied most of it On the outskirts of the city, however, Germany did't fully occupy LeningradBoth the Soviet Union and Germany paid a huge price for this. The Soviet Union suffered more than one million military and civilian casualties.
  • Attack on pearl harbor

    Because of the victory in the Asian battlefield, Japan decided to open the battlefield in the Pacific. Japan premeditatedly attacked Pearl Harbor and the United States declared war on Japan.
  • Battle of Chang sha

    Battle of Chang sha
    Japan is raging inhumanely in China. After arriving in Changsha, the Japanese thought they would be able to take Changsha smoothly. The Chinese defenders desperately resisted under the command of Xue Yue, severely injuring several Japanese divisions and fighting extremely fiercely. In the end, China won. end
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Japan achieved results in the Pacific. The Japanese military command felt that it launched an offensive on Midway Island. Due to the interception of Japanese intelligence in advance, the U.S. Army set up an ambush on Midway Island. Japan was defeated and the navy was hit hard. The U.S. Army used island-hopping tactics on Okinawa. Iwo Jima, the Philippines has repeatedly defeated the Japanese army, and Japan appears to be retreating
  • Battle of stalingrad

    Battle of stalingrad
    Germany won the Battle of Kiev, the Soviet Union won the Battle of Moscow, and the war entered a stalemate. Both sides wanted to find a breakthrough, so there was a battle in Stalingrad. The Soviet Union lost a large number of soldiers and lost a large area of ​​positions. However, due to the troubled German ally Italy, Germany So it was transferred from Stalingrad to help Italy, and when the severe cold came, Germany did not take Stalingrad.
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    Normandy landing and the demise of fascism

    With Japan’s steadily retreating, the German front was tight, Italy’s attack, and the Fascist regime was about to die. In 1944, the Allied forces successfully landed in Normandy at a high cost. The Soviet Union captured Berlin with the death of 300,000 soldiers. In Asia, Japan was China was losing ground, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Japan, the fascist countries surrendered, and World War II ended