WW2 Wars

  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Germany uses blitzkrieg to overpower Polish army Britain & France declare war on Germany Make it to Warsaw (capital of Poland) in less than a month Germany begins enforcing racial policies Jews had to wear white armbands with blue Stars of David Expelled 1000s of Poles and replace them with Germans
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    Battle of Crete

    After the Germans had a successful conquest of Greece the Germans turned their attention to the island of Crete The battle lasted over 12 days with a mixed force of New Zealanders, British, and Australian. That isn't including the 15,000 captured during the Battle. Even though the Germans were successful they still lost More than 6000 soldiers. Making the outcome of the evacuation to Egypt and the bulk of Allied force
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor is a Us navel base near Honolulu, Hawaii. Japanese Planes rushed in Just before 8am on the beautiful day The Japanese blew up 20 American ships and more than 300 airplanes. Docks and airfields were decimated and unusable. Most importantly 2,403 sailors, soldiers and civilians were killed and 1,000 people wounded. The outcome causing the united states to enter ww2.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    During the battle more than two million troops fought in close quarters. Nearly two million people were killed or injured in the fighting, including tens of thousands of Russian civilians. The Axis powers lost 900 aircraft, over 500 tanks and 6,000 artillery pieces during the Battle. The Soviet Union sustained over 1.1 million casualties losing 2,769 aircraft, over 4,300 tanks and 15,728 guns The battle had an outcome of The Soviet Union having a catastrophic defeat on the Germans.
  • D-Day

    June 6th,1944 enemy forces launched the largest land and air invasion in history of warfare. The battle killed more than 4,414 and badly hurting 150,000 plus. Not including the number of tanks that sank on boats trying to make it. 12 allied nations fought it out till the end. Outcome of the war being Allies accepted Nazi Germany's surrender.
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    Battle of Berlin

    During the battle The Third Reich began as The Soviet Red Army forces from the east. It was a Big victory for the Soviet Union and the Allies. The battle took its toll on both sides with Around 81,000 Soviet Union soldiers killed and another 280,000 wounded. The war defeated the Big Bad Germany splitting the territory into 4 zones. The outcome being The surrender of the German army and death of Adolf Hitler.
  • Hiroshima

    Hiroshima was bombed by the American B-29 bomber dropping the first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city Hiroshima. The bomb was so bad it Immediately killed 80,000 people. The bombing was partially done to get japan back over the Bombing of Pearl Harbor. The cleanup of Hiroshima was no easy task as you can imagine it took 4 years to clean 2.4 million spare Miles. The result being 70 percent of all buildings were burnt and destroyed.