WW2 Timelone

  • War Declared bwttwen China and Japan

    War Declared bwttwen China and Japan
    In 1937, Japan invades China because of their resources, Japan needed for WWII. They lacked the industrial and military sources so they took them from China. All Japan wanted was to cause war.
  • Invasion Of Naking

    Invasion Of Naking
    More than 300,000 Chinese men and women were brutally killed. Men had their heads cut off and the heads were almost seen as a trophy.
  • Hitler took Austria and Czechoslovakia

    Hitler took Austria and Czechoslovakia
    In 1938, Hitler took Austria and Czechoslovakia without the rest of the world trying to fight him. They later made the policy of Appeasement to keep Hitler out of other territories, and he agreed to his policy.
  • Night of The Broken Glass

    Night of The Broken Glass
    This act was when Germany started to make non-jewish schools, theaters, hospitals, and forced Jewish people to tell them their race. It was also a big attack on Jewish although the German Reich.
  • Hitler attacked Poland After signing Appeasement

    Hitler attacked Poland After signing Appeasement
    In 1939 The Soviet Union tries to make another deal with the German’s to split up Poland. Germany later attacked first 2 weeks later. Later Russia found what was left of the Polish Army and Poland was lost.
  • Euthanasia Program

    Euthanasia Program
    This was a secret program that Hitler signed, it was a program that kills all the kids under the age of 5 that showed disabilities. This was sadly a successful process, it was later expanded to teens and adults. This was a way that Hitler did to “Cleanse” the race to make the perfect race.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and killed 2,403 Americans and 180 naval vessels were sunk or destroyed. This was done to disable the United States for a little bit so Japan could take supplies from other countries and use them in the attempt to take over china.
  • F.D.R.

    The very next day our President F.D.R asked congress to declare war on the Japanese Empire. The congress approved F.D.R’s request and war was declared on the Japanese Empire.
  • Jewish American

    Jewish American
    Jewish American:
    1933-1941 during the holocaust only 100,000 jewish people were let into the U.S and three years Roosevelt let in more than 20,000 refugees in matter of months. He felt the sense of urgency that these people needed help.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    This was Germany’s second attempt to try to take over Russia. The Germans were trapped by the weather and failed the mission. Russia was one of the main reasons Germany lost the war because of the time process that this battle took. This was the bloodiest battle in history ever recorded.
  • Executive Order 9066

    Executive Order 9066
    Japanese civilians that were in the U.S were put into camps. These camps had no running water they were in the middle of the desert and were very dirty. The families that were put in the camps lost everything that they owned. They only belongings that they could bring had to be inside of a bag no bigger than a trash bag. Leaving their cars, furniture, and their homes.
  • Navajo Code Talker

    Navajo Code Talker
    The Marines code was being decoded by the Japanese to easy and they needed a code that could not be broken so they turned to the Navajos and ask for their help by them using their language as a code to transfer messages to the soldiers on the battlefield.
  • D-Day-Operation Overlord

    D-Day-Operation Overlord
    It was the invasion on Germany occupied land also known as Normandy. D-Day was the biggest and still is the largest sea, land and air attack. The victor of this war was the allied powers. The goal was to take over the beaches of Normandy.
  • Liberation

    The first liberation was in Poland, on July 23,1944 they were liberated by Soviet Soldiers. The United States later took part in the liberations and the British.
  • Korematsu v U.S- 1944

    Korematsu v U.S- 1944
    A young Japanese college student that was in the camps decided to take the case to court. He stated that what they were doing was discrimination because based on their race during a time of a national crisis.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    The Germans tried to take Antwerp it was a Bulgarian city. The Germans successfully misled Americans. The U.S was victorious at the end of the war but at a cost of over 81,100 lives were lost in this battle.
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    Iwo Jima is a small island off of Japan. This island was defended by 23,000 Japanese soldiers, these men used the caves, tunnels and dugouts all around the small island but the Marine force was to strong and wiped out the defending forces after long brutal months of fighting.
  • Okinawa

    It was the biggest battle of the Pacific island battle of WW2. 287,000 American soldiers were involved in this battle and 130,000 Japanese men in this battle. In 82- days Japan lost more than 200,00 soldiers.
  • Death Marches

    Death Marches
    Near the end of the war, Hitler decided to make the prisoners walk to their liberation. Hitler did this t hide the evidence of the Concentrations Camps. Countless lives were lost in these Death Marches.
  • Hiroshima

    At 8:16 Japanese time, an American B-29 bomber, the enola gay dropped the world's first ever Atomic-bomb. About 80,000 people died in this incident and at the end of the year 60,000 more people died from radiation. The blast injured 35,000 people.
  • Nagasaki

    This is where the second Atomic-bomb was dropped at 11:02am. This bomb was more powerful than the one used in Hiroshima, weighed nearly 10,00 pounds. The bomb killed 60 to 80 thousand people in the first few months.
  • Hirohito surrenders

    Hirohito surrendered and had to give up Japan's military powers and allow a peaceful government.
  • Nuremberg Trials

    Nuremberg Trials
    The high ranking of Nazi officials were being tried on crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity. These trials were a series of 13 trials all taking place in Nuremberg.