World war ii special 512

WW2 Timeline History

By jjgue1
  • Natzi Invades Poland

    Natzi Invades Poland
    Nazi Germany invaded Poland and this was a symbolic act that started WWII
  • Great Britain and France Declare War on Germany

    Great Britain and France Declare War on Germany
    Great Britain and France declare war on Germany because of Hitler's invasion in Poland. A british boat, Athenia, was sunk by a German U-30 submarine with more than 1,100 passengers aboard and 112 of them died. Because of this, Great Britain response, was create about 13 tons of propaganda flyers and drop all of them over Germany. France began an offensive againt Germany around the Western border.
  • Hitler Gains Victory over France

    Germany and France sign an armistice in “Forests of Compiègne”
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Air Battle between the British and German forces. This battle was the first campaign to fight an entire battle by air force.
  • Britain Strikes Back

    Britain Strikes Back
    Britain stiked back and made it hard for the Italians to advance. North Africa took over 130,000 Italian prisoners and Romel's Arfika Korps attack.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Germany attacks the Soviet Union with over 4 million soldiers from the Axis power. Germany attacked with three different groups, Army Group North, Army Group Center and Army Group South. Hitler assumed that passing through Ukrain would be the fastes and easiest way to get to Russia. However, Ukraine fought back wich eventually slowed the army down. The soldiers where under a very cold temperature rate and where not prepared for this type of weather.
  • Cut off American Oil

    Cut off American Oil
    In order that the Japanese troops could stop advancing the US sent supplies and aid to stregthen the Chinese and Rosevelt stopped the oil shipments to Japan after they invaded French Indochina, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.
  • Japanese Bomb the Pearl Harbor

    Japanese Bomb the Pearl Harbor
    The Imperial Japanese Navy bombed the Pearl Harbor in Hawaii in response to the United states entry to war. This act was intended to warn the U.S pacific fleet to not interfere with the Japanese military action in overseas territories. This attack involved 353 Japanese fighter planes, bombers and torpedo planes. In consequence the U.S army lost eight navy battleships. 188 American aircrafts were destroyed and 2,403 American soldiers were killed.
  • Doolittle Raid on Japan

    Doolittle Raid on Japan
    Air attack in Japan by the US army in the pasific war. This air war was taken on top of the capital of Japan, Tokyo. This war demonstarted that the Japanese air force army was vunerable to the American air attacks.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Battle of Midway was in the Pacific theater of Operations. Thisi was one of the most important naval battles of WWII. The United Stes Navy defeated the Imperial Japanese Navy causing a lot of damage to the Japanese fleet.
  • Battle of Guadalcanal

    Battle of Guadalcanal
    Battle between the Japanese and American soldiers in one of the biggest islands of the Solomon Islands. This battle lasted about six months and it was very hard for the US soldiers to fight for they were not used to the tropical weather. However the American soldiers ended up winnning the Guadalcanal battle because they found a Japanese airfield in Australia and succesfully broke it leaving the Japanese soldiers with lack of resources and help.
  • D-Day

    160,000 allied troops, 5,000 ships and and 13,000 aircrafts invaded the french coastline attacking the Nazi Germany that were in the beaches of Normandy. This battle liberated the invasion and control of the Nazi Germans in Western Europe.
  • Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes

    Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes
    Hitler believed that the American, Britain and French allies on the west sector were not strong. That is why he ordered a massive attack specially against the American forces so he can create a bulge in the allied front line.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    Codenamed for Argonaut Conference which was a WWII meeting held by the head governments of United states, United kingdom and USSR. This conference was to discuss about what would end up happening after WWII ended but there was not solution.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    Big pacific Island battle of the Japanese and US troops. 180,000 American troops against 130,000 Japanese soldiers. This was part of the three point plan created by the American, to be able to win the far east territory.
  • Natzi Germay surrenders WWII

    Natzi Germay surrenders WWII
    Germany asked to sign an unconditional surrender treaty against all the European allied forces ending war in Europe effective immediately.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    Bombing of Hiroshima
    American B-29 bomber dropped the first atomic bomb in Japan, Hiroshima. This bomb destroyed over 90% of the city’s land and killed 40,000 and the rest ten thousand were later killed for radiation.
  • U.S drops atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan.

    U.S drops atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan.
    After bombing Hiroshima nine days later another B-29 aircraft dropped a bomb in Nagasaki.
  • Formal surrender of Japan

    Formal surrender of Japan
    Japan surrendered and agreed to all the allied terms. This took place in the battleship USS Missouri with other Britain and US navy ship present around.