WW2 Timeline

  • Italian invasion of Ethiopia

    Italian invasion of Ethiopia
    When Italy invaded Ethopia during world war 2. The army that Ethopis possed was severly outnumber result in a quick victory for italy.
  • Japanese Invasion of China

    Japanese Invasion of China
    Japan invaded China to acquire more resources to fuel there every growing army. It imminently erupted into a war that lasted a few years
  • Nazi-Sovet Non-Aggression pact

    Nazi-Sovet Non-Aggression pact
    During WW2 both Nazi germany and the soviet union were unsure of each other. The pacts purpose was to have these two become Allies and eventually split poland in half.
  • Women in the war

    Women in the war
    Women had many different jobs during WW2. This included but not limited to amuntion workers soldiers nurses and even pilots.
  • Western Desert Campagin

    Western Desert Campagin
    The Axis forced pushed into Africa taking over Egypt and many other countries in the process. The germany side was lead by the mn known as the Desert fox.
  • Kamikaze

    Kamikaze were a type of japansese bombers. There job was simple ram there plans into the ground and kill as many people on the enemy side as possible. However there was a downside to this it caused a shortage of japanese pilots.
  • Dunkirk

    Nazi germny had invaded majority of france trapping both brittish and French soilders in the coastal town of Dunkirk. There only means of escape was the few battleships that could fairy people as well as privately owned boats.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The japanse bombed majority of the Americans naval fleet. sinking multiple shisp the U.S.S Arizona being one of them. The attack came as a complete suprise to the americans leading to a high casualty rate and the loss of thousands of lives.
  • Second Sino-Japanese War

    Second Sino-Japanese War
    Japan began the invasion of china which divided into diffrent phases. All of which had heavy conflict and resistance from china.The reistance ultimately lead to a high number of casualties.
  • Battle of El Alamein

    Battle of El Alamein
    There were multiple battles fought in this area three to be exact. One was a statlemate the other the Germans one and finally the Allies. This battle was the stopping point and beganing of Allies pusing back the axis from Africa.
  • Hiroshima&Nagasaki

    During world war 2 a tough decsion had to be made land on japan and fight our way to there capital or bomb them using A-bomb. The choice was simple bomb them. The bombing cost over 10,00 japanese civillan lives ultimatly resulting in japans defeat.
  • Crossing the Rhine River

    Crossing the Rhine River
    The Americn and Briitsh divised a plane to cross the river and head into germany.They were of course succesful the first battles were won with them beging the push towards berlin.