WW2 Timeline

  • 1939

    WW2 Starts
  • 1939

    Hitler invades Poland in september 1st. Then Britain and France declared war on Germany september 3rd
  • 1940

    July 1940, The Battle Of Britain
  • JUN 22, 1941 / June 1, 1941

    JUN 22, 1941 / June 1, 1941
    Germany Invades The Soviet Union / Germany invades the USSR, opening what becomes known as the Eastern Front.
  • Dec 7, 1941

    Dec 7, 1941
    Japanese attack the pearl harbour
  • JAN 1, 1942

    JAN 1, 1942
    The plan for Holocaust started
  • JUN 4, 1942

    JUN 4, 1942
    The Midway Battle started
  • AUG 19, 1942 / Oct 1, 1942 / Oct 1, 1942

    Dieppe Raid started / Battle of Stalingrad. / Germany's entire Sixth Army is lost.
  • JUN 6, 1944

    JUN 6, 1944
    The famous "D Day" happened
  • April 30, 1945

    April 30, 1945
    Hitler committes suicide
  • August 6, 1945

    August 6, 1945
    The first atomic bomb was dropped on hiroshima
  • August 9, 1945

    August 9, 1945
    The second atomic bomb on nagasaki
  • August 16, 1945

    August 16, 1945
    WW2 Ended