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ww2 timeline
The battle of Atlantic
The battle of Atlantic already happened at 1939, but the main battle started at 1942, Canadian roles were convoy which helped allies to escort supply to soldiers. They would across the countries to send the supply through the Atlantic ocean. They sent the supply to allies because allies need more support to against Germany. How this happened? During that period Germany had a large milltary to against allies, so that allies need more supply to against Germany. -
The battle of Britain
The battle began in southern England and London. Hitler had to destroy the Royal Air Force, because they wanted to invade England. So that they sent the airplane to against Britain. However, Germany didn't invade England because they were defeated. But how was the battle happened? At the beginning Germany in order to avoid the war with Britain, so then issued a request to the British compromise in June 1940, but in the end British Prime Minister refused it. That's how the battle started. -
The battle of Hong Kong
The battle was located in Hong Kong, in 1941 Dec, Japanese wanted to expend the land so they decided to capture Hong Kong, to became powerful to against other countries. So England sent Canadian soldiers and their soldiers to protect Hong Kong but It was because Hong Kong didn't had lot of air forcement, plus Japanese sent lot of troops to attack Hong Kong, the troops of Japanese were 3 times troops of Hong Kong, British and Canada. In the end Japan used 17 days to capture Hong Kong, -
The battle of Air
The battle of air happen in mid 1942, allies (Canadian) started bombing in German cities. The reason they started bombing because they wanted to destroy German's industries, railroad, bridge and oil refineries. To stopped German's millitary getting bigger. However, the bombing did not destroy the German will to continue fighting. In that night, the bomb went astray. They missed the industrial targets and killed lot of civillans. -
The battle of Dieppe
In 1942 Aug 19, the battle of Dieppe located in France. Aliies had massive casualties and defeated by Germans. Their task was to test the German force along the french coast at Dieppe, capture and hold a major channel coast port for 24 hrs, then withdraw, and they wanted the battle change to aerial battle. How did it happened? Canadian government,which wanted to see Canadian troops used in action in a major operation in WW2 for the first time. In the end the plan failed and lot of people dead. -
The battle of Italian campaign
The battle of Italian started at 1943, Canadian, British and American started taking land and invaded Italy. They wanted to take pressure off Russian Allies and steal German troops from north - western Europe. How did it happened? The plan was that Italy would collapse quickly and that Allied troops would swiftly be able to take the whole country quickly,and then invade Germany from the south,thus ending the war. -
The battle of D-Day
The battle of D-Day happened in 1944. Canadian, American and British infantry troops invaded Normandy, France. The reason they invaded France because they wanted to liberate France and defeat Hitlers army. How did it happened? It was to invade France then invaded Germany to end the war quickly. However, the invasion was postponed 24 hours because of the weather. In the end Allies completely invaded France and started pushing Germany. -
Battle of Europe
The battle started at 1945, could be the last invasion of Europe. Allies troop started invading Germany go through Netherland. In the end Germany surrender and Hitler with a committed suicide. The reason why this battle happened because Germany would surrounded by other countries cause to surrender. How this happened? This was the final invasion to end the war with Germany. -
Ending of WW2
The Ending of WW2 happened in 1945 Aug. This was the final ending of WW2. Canadian scientist Einstein helped USA to develop atomic bomb. So on Aug 6 and 9, USA dropped 2 atomic bomb in Japan (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) to quickly ended the war. The war was compeletely ended because USA dropped the second atomic bomb cause Japan to surrender. How did happened? Japanese did not surrender so they dropped atomic bomb in Japan.