WW2 TImeline

  • German Troops March into Austria

    German Troops March into Austria
    Hitler announced the invasion of Austria as "Anschluss". Austria was later then annexed as an added on colony to Germany, this was called "Anchluss" Austria being Hitler's birth country, he felt he needed to connect the two countrys and create a nation of all Germans. This event basically shaped Hitler's mindset for WW2. He wanted to bring all Germans together to construct the largest and strongest army, and this is how he did it, by annexing Austria.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Hitler invaded Poland from the north-west and Russia Attacked from the east. Very little support from Britain and France came to aid Poland, In which they both declared war upon Germany, kicking off WW2. This event marked the start of WW2, and also demonstrates how unaware surrounding countrys of Germany were.
  • Germany Invades France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Holland

    Germany Invades France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Holland
    Hitler launched the western invasion of France with great strategy and took the French by surprise. Therefore taking France with ease. Also along with Belgium, Luxembourg, and Holland. France then signed a treaty in June later that year. This event was important to show how strong the Nazi's were and how they invaded whoever necessary to get what they want. This event also inspired other countrys to stand up to Germany making it even more important.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Germany followed the invasion of Poland with the air raid on Britain. The German air force, The Luftwaffe lost about 1,700 men while the UK lost only 1,000 men. Radar was the new tool used by Britain in which they owe their success to. This battle displays importance from the start. Germany over powering Britain 2:1 and Britain pulling out a defenseful win over Germany. Exemplifying that Germany can be stopped.
  • Germany Invades USSR

    Germany Invades USSR
    Hitler sent three armies to the eastern front to invade the USSR. 91,000 soldiers surrendered to the Red Army, and the rest died from the harsh weather and disease. The USSR's environment wounded many German soldiers before there was even fighting. This event is important because it showed that not just Britain can stop the Nazi party, The Soviet Union can too. This event also led to further battles between the Nazis and the Soviet Union.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    This battle ended Hitler's reign, basically eliminating all chances Hitler had of conquering Europe. Hitler launched an attack on the eastern front of Russia, in which Russia pushed all of the German armies back towards Germany. This event is important due to the Soviet Union's second victory over Germany, once again showing that Germany is not of all power. This event also marks a turning point in the war when Germany starts to lose everything.
  • D-Day

    This offensive launched by: Britain, France, Poland, and the US, over 6,000 ships landed upon the 50 mi beach of France, enabling the Allies to grab a foothold within Europe to push out Germany. Perhaps one of the largest military advances, this even is crucial to this timeline, sparking the comeback of France and pushing the Germans back to Germany.
  • Liberation of Prisoners in Aushwitz

    Liberation of Prisoners in Aushwitz
    The Soviet Union moved into Auschwitz and most of the prisoners in the concentration camp were evacuated on the death march. The ones that were left in the camp were liberated and the day is known as the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Close tot the end of the war, the concentration camp in Auschwitz was liberated. Liberating all Jews, Gypsys, African Americans, Gays, pretty much anyone that disavowed the Nazi Regime.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    The Battle of Berlin, designated the Berlin Offensive Operation by the Soviet Union, was the final major offensive of the European part of World War II. The Soviet Union left the German army in defeat and weak, leading to Hitler's death. Marks the end of the war and shows Germany's last try at beating the Soviet Union and once again failing.
  • Germany Surrenders in Northwest Germany, Denmark, and Netherlands.

    Germany Surrenders in Northwest Germany, Denmark, and Netherlands.
    The German advances all over Europe soon surrendered, marking the end of the war in 1945 and Germany's defeat. The end Of the war.