Japan invades Manchuria
Japan invades Mauchuria -
Facist Italy invades
Facist Italy invades, conquers, anfd annexes Ethiopia. -
Germany and Italy sign a treaty
Nazi Germany and Facsist Italy sign a treaty of coorperation on October 25; on November 1, the Rome-Berlin Axis is announced -
Germany and Japan sign Anti-Comintern Pact
Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan sign the Anti-Comintern Pact, directed against the Soviet Union and the international Communist movement -
Japan invades China
Japan invades China, initiating WW2 in thePacific -
Germany incorporates Austria
Germany incorporates Austria in the Anschluss -
Countries sign the munich agreement
Germany, Italy, GreatBritian, France sign the Munich agreement which forces the Czechoslovak Republic to cede the Sudentenland, including the key Czechoslovak military defense positions, to nazi Germany. -
Slovocks declare independance
Under German pressure, the Slovocks declare their imdependance and form a Slovak Republic. The Germans occupy the rump Czech lands in violation of the Munich agreement, forming a Protectorate of Behemia and Moravia -
France and Great Britian make borders
France and Great Britain -
Facist Italy
Facist Italy invades and annexes Albania -
Nazi Germany
Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union sign a nonaggression agreement and a secret codicil dividing eastern Europe into spheres of influence -
Germany invades Poland
Germany invades Poland, initiatinig World War II in Europe -
France declares war
Honoring their guarentee of Polands borders, Great Britian and France declare war on Germany -
The Soviet Union
The Soviet Union invades Poland from the east. -
Warsaw Surrenders
Warsaw surrenders on September 27.The Polish government flees into exile via Romania. Germany and the Soviet Union divide Poland between them. -
30, Novamber, 1939 - March 12, 1940
The Soviet Union invades Finland, initiating the so-called Winter War. The Finns sue for an armisticde and have to cede the northern shores of Lake Lagoda and the small Finnish coastline on the Artic Sea to the Soviet Union. -
Germany invades Denmark
Germany invades Denmark and Norway, Denmark surrenders on the day of the attack; Norway holds out until June 9. -
May 10, 1940 - June 22, 1940
Germany attacks western Europe- France and the neutral low Countries. Luxembourg is occupied on May 10. -
Italy enters the war
Italy enters the war, italy invades southern France June 21 -
June 14, 1940 - August 6, 1940
Soviet Union occupies the Baltic States -
The Soviet Union forces Romania
The Soviet Union forces Romania to cede the eastern province of Bessarabia and the northern half of Bukovina to The Soviet Ukraine. -
July 10, 1940 - October 31, 1940
The air war known as the Battle of Britain ends in Defeat. -
Second Vienna Award
Germany and Italy arbitrate andecision on the division of the disputed province. -
THe Italians invade British
The Italians invade British- controlled Egyt from Italian-controlled Libya. -
Sign a Treaty
Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact -
Irtaly invades Greece
Italy invades Greece from Albania on October 28. -
Slovakia, Hungary, And Romania join the axis. -
The Germans send
The Germans send the Afrika
Korps to North Africa to reinforce the faltering Italians. -
Bulgaria joins axis -
Period: to
Germany and italy invade
Germany, Italy, Hungaery, and Bulgaria invade and dismember Yugoslovakia. -
The leader of the terorist
The Leaders of the terriorist Ustasa movement proclaim the so-called Independant State of Croatia. -
Period: to
Nazi Germany invades the Soviet Union
Nazi Germany and its axis powers invade the Soviet Union. -
Drives the Germans to suburbs
A soviet counteroffensive drives the Germans from the Moscow suburbs in chaotic retreat. -
Japan Bombs
Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor. -
US declares war
US declares war on Japan, turning into WW2 -
Period: to
NAzi Germany
Axis powers declares war on the United States -
Period: to
THe British bomb
The british bomb brings war home to Germany -
British n Navy hault
Halt the japanese naval advance -
Period: to
germany and its axais partners launch new offensive in the soviet union. troops fight their way into Stalingrad on the Volga River by mid september and penetrate deep into the sea. -
Period: to
US troops halt the Japense island-hopping advance -
British Troops
British triios defeat the Germans and Italians at El Alammein in Egypt -
US and Brtish troops
Troops land at several points on the beachess Algeria and Morocco in French Noth Africa -
Axis forces
Axis forces in Tunisia surrender to the Allies