WW2 timeline paulsen

By Lydia3
  • Germany opens Dachau concentration camp

    Germany opens Dachau concentration camp
    In March 1933 the NAZI's opened their first concentration camp named Dachau. It was located on an abandoned factory and in it's first few years it held around 4,800 prisoners. This was the start of more camps holding more prisoners.
  • Mussolini's Italian forces take Ethiopia

    Mussolini's Italian forces take Ethiopia
    Mussolini followed after Hitler's ways and saw how he went to get more land for Germany so Mussolini decided to do the same and get more land for Italy. In October of 1935 Mussolini went into Africa and invaded Ethiopia. This sparked even more invading of Africa.
  • German troops occupy Rhineland

    German troops occupy Rhineland
    After signing the peace treaty, Hitler broke it on March 1936 and started going into Rhineland. This broke the treaty and showed how Hitler could what he wanted and gained more power.
  • Nazi's take Czechoslovakia

    Nazi's take Czechoslovakia
    British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain gave Czechoslovakia in terms for peace in the treaty. This gave Germany more land more power leading them to break the treaty in the first place.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    In September of 1939 Hitler send his troops to go invade Poland all along their borders. Causing them to call war on Germany 2 days later.
  • German ´Blitzkrieg´ overwhelms Belgium, Holland and France

    German ´Blitzkrieg´ overwhelms Belgium, Holland and France
    After the defeat on Poland, France, Holland, and Belgium stiffened their defenses. Germany makes a force called Blitzkrieg and unleashes it on the borders of Belgium.
  • Hitler begins Operation Barbarossa

    Hitler begins Operation Barbarossa
    Hitler in June of 1941 sent his troops off east to the Soviet Union. This was a turning point in the war because so many Nazis were sent and they lost.
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
    On December 7th Japanese armies set to attack Hawaii and Pearl Harbor base. This event got Japan into the war and caused the US much hardship. All starting more attacks on Japan and US.
  • US enters war

    US enters war
    The day after the attack on Pearl Harbor the USA declares they are joining the War.
  • Singapore falls to the Japnese

    Singapore falls to the Japnese
    5,000 Japanese troops landed on Singapore Island attacking in February. The British were over powered and lost.
  • US cracks Japanese codes

    US cracks Japanese codes
    In 1942 the US Navy figures out the Japanese code. They then knew what the Japanese plans were, getting a major lead in the war.
  • American naval victory at Battle of Midway

    American naval victory at Battle of Midway
    Six months after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, the US Navy decisively defeated an attacking fleet of the Imperial Japanese Navy.
  • Mass murder of Jewish people at Auschwitz begins

    Mass murder of Jewish people at Auschwitz begins
    Auschwitz became the killing centre where the largest numbers of Jews were killed during the Holocaust. This led to way more killings in other camps.
  • Normandy invasion

    Normandy invasion
    The Western Allies of World War II launched the largest amphibious invasion in history when they assaulted Normandy.
  • Paris is liberated

    Paris is liberated
    The Battle for Paris was a military action that was due to the German and French fighting. Causing the battle and France is liberated.
  • Big three in Potsdam

    Big three in Potsdam
    Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and U.S. President Harry Truman all met in Potsdam, Germany, from July 17 to August 2, 1945, to figure out terms for the end of World War II.
  • Hiroshema

    The US dropped nuclear weapons on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, during the final stage of World War II.
  • Nagasaki

    On August 7, 1945 the US dropped nuclear weapons on the city of Nagasaki at the end of World War ||
  • Surrender at Stalingrad

    Surrender at Stalingrad
    The Battle of Stalingrad began in 1942, as German forces assaulted the city, a major industrial center and a potential strategic move.